Finally! I own one!

8 August 2011
San Antonio, Tx
In late 1991, I fell in love/lust with a formula red NSX at an auto show in Dallas but, the $80k price tag broke my heart. Now 20 years later, I bought mine from the original owner five months ago with under 83,000 miles and he had a tear in his eye when he handed me the keys. I know of no other car that can create such emotion and loyalty. I know two original owners of 91 NSXs (all original, no mods) who have owned and traded Ferrari, Maserati, Porcshe, Mercedes and BMW over the years and yet they keep the NSX. One guy has 300,000 mi on his. Both have had no major problems. For years they have fueled my desire for the car. On this site I have read a lot of pride and regret over mods. (The guy who built the NSX-R GT is awsome!) However, I specifically wanted a completely original car in the same color and interior as the car I saw so many years ago. Just like God and Honda created it. It may not be as fast as more recent cars but hey... the fun of driving it as it was designed is what appealed to me and it is still competitive with most of today's cars especially in the corners. The car turns heads everywhere I take it. Even among the Lambo, Ferrari, and Porsche owners at Coffee and Rides. Some have even had their pictures taken sitting in my car. I can't believe I actually own one and you can't slap the smile from my face when I'm driving the car. It was truly worth the wait and I think I appreciate the car even more because of the wait.

PS. As a newbie to NSXPrime, I am so impressed with the info provided by you folks on this site. (I have visited the site over the last few years and I found my car here.) Thanks for participating you have no idea how helpful your experience and advice is to me.

Also my avatar is my son standing in front of my NSX with the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in the background.<!-- / message -->
Congrats and welcome. Post some more pictures
Congrats and welcome to NSX Prime.

You are quite right about NSX owners we love these cars. I'm on my third...they always come back!:wink:
Welcome and nice post.

It seems like it never grows old owning or driving one (NSX). At least not with me :cool:
Congratulations, and welcome to Prime.

Your story if very close to mine. I think a lot of people who were to young to afford an NSX when it first came out are starting to look for nice original examples.

If you haven't already, you should hook up with locals from the NSXCA in your area.
Congrats and nice story, indeed!

But man, please don't double post, we heard ya from the Regret Thread.

I know you're hyped and so are we, post us some pics instead!!! :wink:
welcome,delaying certain gratifications has its rewards.....Nice to see new owners posting on prime, and prime cars remaining in view:smile:
Im not embarrassed to say that I shed tears selling mine.

I loved that car, but unlike Jetpilot and many others, I wont be back in one.

Congrats on a being on the winning side of the trade!
Congratulations and welcome to the Prime "family" - wonderful post, you got a great car, and Prime is full of great folks to help out with anything really, well to do with your car that is. Have fun and post more pics!
Congratulations !

Treat it well and you will be rewarded for years
Congrats and welcome to prime.
Thanks everyone. Sorry for the double post "NSX United". You won't see many of these anyway. Here's the pictures as proof. Do some of you need a DNA sample?:biggrin: The pictures without my son in them are from the day I inspected it and eventually bought it. The picture and avatar with my son in them is from the road trip home. The trip is another story. The last two are from Coffee & Rides three weeks ago. Again thanks for all of the great info and for sharing your experiences.