Fighting insurance for OEM replacement parts?

31 August 2014
Stevens Point, WI
Long story short I got backed into at a stoplight by a truck that wanted to move to a different turn lane. Light damage, hopefully only on the front bumper, but of course it needs a new bumper, paint, blend, etc.

Their insurance is on the hook for this, and I got an estimate from a local bodyshop I trust, and asked about getting OEM replacement for the front bumper. He said they personally can't go to bat for that kind of thing and I'd need to talk to insurance.

I called State Farm and they have me set up to get the car looked at by their adjuster, and to go from there. I mentioned that I'd like to know how to get this repair with an OEM bumper on the phone and was told a few times "based on the age of the vehicle that will not happen." Left a little bit of a bad taste in my mouth. I also asked if it's something I should bring up with the adjuster, and she assured me I'd simply get the same answer. The only option is to "pay it out of pocket" which seems a bit ridiculous to me. If it was a Civic, I get it, but even a perfectly fitting aftermarket seems to be a bad idea.

Now, two main questions I have for you guys.

Has anyone had to go to bat (specifically with State Farm, I suppose) on their NSX to get OEM replacements, and how did you do it? Do I need to take the car to an exotics body shop in the big city who's used to fighting insurance? I asked the gal on the phone "so if I had, say, a Lambo for 3x this car, you would STILL only provide aftermarket repair panels?" and she said yes.

Is it worth the time to do this? I'd place my car about 8/10 for exterior cosmetics. Good shine, couple small dings, and 91,700 mi. Paid $41k a year and a half ago. What kind of impact to resale is this going to have, and what kind of difference would having an OEM bumper vs an aftermarket bumper do to that resale (assuming a perfect repair/fitment from both options)? Not planning to sell it any time soon.. but I don't want to diminish the value just because some jerk put a tow receiver through my bumper, seems a little unfair.

Thanks in advance for the advice!

Here's what we're working with, by the way.
You'll end up getting an OEM bumper because that's all that is available.
Methinks so too. If there was a generic knockoff somewhere, please let us know. I'm sure there would be plenty of people interested in another source of non-OEM parts
The arguement will be if it's new OEM or used OEM. I wouldn't settle for used unless I had a right of refusal after I saw the actual part.
^^^^ what wavey says. You'll get a used salvage yard bumper.... What you need is a lawyer my friend.... Just 1 letter from a lawyer usually makes insurance companies git right...
It is also the law to take it to whatever shop you choose... Never had I heard a shop say, the insurance wont go for that.... That is highly illegal. Take it somewhere that your local Acura dealer send their cars.
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I have Liberty Mutual and when a tree branch hit my 05 bumper they paid for an OEM bumper. Joe D. did my car and he's a Liberty Mutual apraiser. Maybe that's what made the difference. You might want to reach out to Joe.
Two things you can do.
Go 1st party through your own insurance. Request oem parts, pay your deductible And have your company subrogate for all the damages. Which they will get back and reimburse your ded.
As long as their is a police report showing you were stopped and the other party was backing, you are free from liabilty.
2nd option request oem parts and also have the shop your dealing with provide an estimate for the work with oem parts and the adjuster can approve it.
If they dont provide you with oem parts. Dont cash the check and notify your state insurance dept in writing of what is going on and send the other company a copy of the letter you sent.
Excellent, all of this makes me feel significantly better about what to expect. The other person's adjuster is coming to inspect the car Monday afternoon so we'll see where it goes from there. Appreciate all the help so far!
Hello clutch1

Sorry to hear about you accident. You may have to get an attorney.
Replacement laws vary but most claim "equivalent repair" - they spend only what is necessary to repair to a like condition. Your policy doesn't say "must use new parts". Unless you made a policy rider stating that, or you have historic vehicle status (and you pay for this).

I don't think there are too many clone NSX parts out may get used but OEM/repaired.

Good luck

Just as predicted the adjuster confirmed for me, OEM it will be! So that problem is all taken care of, big stress off.

The adjuster and my bodyshop are on the same page, the body shop is working on getting the appropriate parts, and my car goes in later this month for repairs. I think everything is going to turn out OK.

I liked the adjuster, he appreciated what the car is and understood concerns and stuff, I'm feeling comfortable.