FFX impressions

7 February 2001
Alright guys, for those of you who are interested, I got about 3hours of game time yesterday and can post some thoughts. Don't worry, I will not give away any spoliers.

Really, there is only one thing you need to know. BUY THIS GAME NOW!!! If you have an import PS2 and you enjoy RPGs, you must have this game.
The first half hour was one of the most awesome gaming experiences I've had since Zelda. It took only that long and I was completely hooked. If my GF didn't just get back from a 2 week vacation I would have kept playing through the night.

What's different about this game is the fun factor. So far, the pace of the game has been perfect and I have been involved from the start. The graphics are sweet... but you knew that. Story and gameplay have taken priority and everything else has been icing on the cake.

For those that have played FF1, you will love the inclusion of the "harp" tune into the music. I'm happy to report that it seems like they have gone away from the PCM soundtracks of the playstation era. Much of the music reminds me of Chrono Cross with island/carribean influence and has been superior to all PS1 FF games.

The battle system has been reworked considerably. So far, I am fighting with 5 party members. 3 at a time and you can change at any time during the battle. One character runs out and the other runs in.

Anyway, I don't want to give away any more details. If anyone has a partciular questions about the game I'd be happy to answer.

The bottom line is the leap in technology is equal to FF7 for the PS1. The graphics are reminiscent of Code Veronica where everything is polygon, but just looks astounding. I could barely concentrate during the first battle on the ship because what the designers have done is
stunning. To describe it would give it away so I won't. When this game integrates CG with a battle sequence the results are incredible.
Look, if you have an import PS2 and play FF, you have probably already bought it.
Bottom Line: It's worth buying one just for this game. Judging by the first 3 hours alone, those waiting for the US release can look forward to an incredible game (I haven't even reached the overworld map yet).

I can't wait to get home and continue.

Note: The game also comes with a demo disc. I have not seen all of it. So far I have watched the FF movie trailer and a preview of FFXI. No need to get excited over this one. It's still very early and looks like Ultima Online in a way. Personally, I'm not excited at all about FF going the multiplayer route. That's what Ultima Online a Phantasy Star are for. I always enjoyed FF for other reasons and I feel it may lose that while going online.

[This message has been edited by ilya (edited 20 July 2001).]
I'm not surprised by your reaction to FFX. I am not terribly a big fan of RPGs, but it is so gorgeous, I'll probably pick it up as soon as it comes stateside and play it through to the end just to see what wonders the Square artists have come up with.

I picked up FFVII when it first came out for the very same reason, but only played for about three hours before I got too busy with work to finish the game.

--akira3D ('00 NSX-T red/black #113)
"Reality is better than the dream..."

One small disappointment. This game does not have a world map like the previous games. I'm about 20 hours in and still no map. There is one as you travel, but not as the previous games where you actually wander around a huge globe. Even if not realistic, I prefered it because it gives a game a sense of scale and freedom.
One other thing that is different is the traditional level system. There are no levels in the game. You use the experience you gain to upgarade your stats and abilities as you go along across a very intricate chart. I actually like it.

One thing I don't like up until now is the game has been quite linear. Still, I'm having a great time and it's an excellent game. I probably would have finished it by now if I didn't have so much going on.