Feuding Ferrari owners discuss.

Huh?? I don't get it. :confused: That's how F-guys fued? The last time I heard an arguement like that, someone spilled Grey Pupon on some guy's ascot and his monicle fell out.
What is "distain"? Was that a misspell? or an internet term:confused:
It came from the same dictionary as "cooth".

I think he meant disdain.

contemn: look down on with disdain; "He despises the people he has to work for"; "The professor scorns the students who don't catch on immediately"
wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn - Definition in context
I bought it in July of 06 and it had 3200 miles

Car was just serviced and had a belt service in March of 06.

Say wot?
I think he meant disdain.

contemn: look down on with disdain; "He despises the people he has to work for"; "The professor scorns the students who don't catch on immediately"
wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn - Definition in context

It was a joke, it's pretty clear he meant 'disdain' and 'couth'. He's attempting to use uncommon words to sound intelligent yet has no idea how to spell them. Given the definition of couth, it's even funnier to spell that incorrectly.

couth (kth) adj.
Marked by or possessing a high degree of sophistication; refined
Okay I thought he meant disdain ,but didn't want to be an ass if "distain" was some internet term and I called him on it.
Life has been a great experience for me. I have come all the way from the bottom of the hole. I have never met another family who were as poor as we were at the time. There is one thing I have seen as I have climbed out of the hole the further up the hole I get the more unhappy people I see around me. I expected to see unhappy people at all levels but the most unhappy people are at the top of the hole.

When I was a child I had plenty of wealthy friends whose parents gave them everything. I thought they had the world by the balls. Looking back now a lot of their parents were alcoholics and unhappy. As a child I saw them sitting by their fireplaces sipping scotch. What I didn't see was a whole empty bottle of scotch every night. They would buy their firewood and have someone stack it in the garage. We would go out as a family and cut our own firewood.

When they would have birthday parties their parents would hire a clown and buy a huge cake. When we had birthday parties my mother and father, before he left, went to the appliance store and got refrigerator boxes and made them into booths like a carnival and my parents and parents friends would run the booths. That was fun. We made fun with nothing and we were happy. We never argued about petty crap either.
It helps to spice up a children's party with a professional display of prestidigitation.

We should expostulate with F-Car owners to remonstrate against what they have done :wink:

^tears. Nice story Steve
When they would have birthday parties their parents would hire a clown and buy a huge cake. QUOTE]

I had clowns too...


Now I don't sleep at night...

Speaking of F430s, I snapped this photo a few weeks ago at the annual exotic car Toys For Tots run. Yes they're gorgeous cars but for what you pay for them you shouldn't have to worry about an oil fitting failing and dumping your Mobil 1 all over the cats causing an instant fire.

Very nice story, enjoyed it. Very funny, especially when reading 'Several people have told me of how you revell in entertaining yourself at ****** expense.', i was like :eek: :eek: ........:biggrin: :biggrin:
Speaking of F430s, I snapped this photo a few weeks ago at the annual exotic car Toys For Tots run. Yes they're gorgeous cars but for what you pay for them you shouldn't have to worry about an oil fitting failing and dumping your Mobil 1 all over the cats causing an instant fire.



Intresting, I think NSX owners past present & futrue , have a lot of smarts with regards to safety , oh man dont tell a Ferrari owner to add a Fire extingusher in the car, oh man do they get up set.

might want to have a look on the ortega run - called out the thread starter to have some people for 1st aid and Fire extingushers in the cars for the event or any in general.