Ferrari Updates For you

22 September 2000
Dallas TX
I've updated my site last night and last week but forgot to post here about it.

Here's the pics from the FCA annual meet here in Dallas:

Here's the Koenig Turbo F50 Videos (near bottom of page)

and check the main page for a new pic...also from the FCA concours. Of course there's boatloads more to come...I just have to find time to get them sorted and posted.


Got dat ol' vee six cilnder inder?
Hey Scott,

Regarding the pictures, how do you get the background to look fuzzy while the pic of the car is crisp and clear? Also, did you use a digital camera for those pics?
Awesome work on the videos and the pics.

Actually on this specific batch of pics the focal effect is all post production. I did that in Photoshop pretty much. And YES, they were taken on a Digital. HOWEVER, this same effect is possible by using a larger F-stop (smaller number) on your aperture ring on any common SLR. Or if the camera you use has a Manual mode or Aperture priority mode you can use a setting with a small F#. For instance those in the picture would be a large Fstop. Basically it controls your depth of field and depending on which setting you chose you will have varying degrees of depth. So, if you can set your camera to expose at F4 you will get a heavy blurring of everything NOT focused on while composing the picture in the lens. In contrast if you use an F22 setting...everythign will be in focus out to infinity. Automatic settings on cameras tend to use a smaller F-stop for outdoor pictures and you get a infinite amount of focus.

Next weekend I will post my pictures from 35mm where I have used different F-stop throughout and you will be able to see what a real focal effect would look like. I did these in some of the pics to take attention away from the busy or non relative BG. Keeps your focus on the car and nothing else.

Here are examples of a REAL Focus Blurring straight fromt he camera and no Photoshop:



Got dat ol' vee six cilnder inder?

[This message has been edited by scottjua (edited 11 June 2001).]