Ferrari 360 Video

I want one of those paddle shifting thingys...
I have the same problem every time I try to use real player. It starts to buffer, then begins to play when it says 100%, plays for about 5 secs. like it's going to be a nice movie, stops, rebuffers, plays a bit, hesitates, rebuffers, plays a little, etc....... Can never get it to start at the beginning or play smoothly through the whole thing. Freeze, hesitate, play, skip.....AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHH!!!! I get mad just typing this.
WOW! Now that looks like fun! Realistically speaking, Where could I Learn to drive the NSX like That? I love to drift the rear like that I just didn't think you could do it at those speeds.

Originally posted by 8000RPM:

How accurate is that article?

Finally a V10 in an NSX...?!?

Well, its just a tiny scale model at this stage.

BUT, check out the wheels. Didnt they use that design for the 2002?