Ferrari 355 spider $31k ??

10 February 2001
Troy MI
Has anyone else seen this on the auto Is this a joke?

Ferrari 1999 355 spider for $31k silver perfect condition from looks of photo. Looks like hes selling it to get out of giving it to wife. Maybe a divorce grudge sale???
Its a long story, but I have to sell my beutiful
spider immediately at this almost free price,
thanks to the wife. It is a dream car with every imaginable upgrade possible. Im usually out of the country so the best way to reach me is through my web site
5960 S.W. 32 Terrace
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312

Tel.: 954-962-6575
Fax: 954-962-8286
It's probably a scam and he's just trying to drive traffic to his website. The phone# and address is for the C-Tech-I company, not a personal residence.

Im usually out of the country so the best way to reach me is

This probably means you can call him, but all you'll get is the answering machine, so you'll end up going to his website and look at his granite products before you realize that you just got scammed.