FB groups (moved from another thread)

15 November 2006
New Orleans
Thank you for letting me know the two Primes are separate entities. ��

I thought they were ran by the same admins.

Facebook has many many admins. The owners group. It's kind of a joke honestly because there's like 10 of them. Not much decision making other then who is let in which was a huge issue and debate since favoritism and clicks rule the decisions but other then that the mods don't really do anything that I can see anyways there.
Facebook has many many admins. The owners group. It's kind of a joke honestly because there's like 10 of them. Not much decision making other then who is let in which was a huge issue and debate since favoritism and clicks rule the decisions but other then that the mods don't really do anything that I can see anyways there.

The owners group was made so owners can interact/network with each other. Moderators are used strictly to approving members in. They were never intended to help "police" issues. Frankly, I would love if all issues are kept off the owners group. But if someone brings something up, we usually let it ride to warn others or give the other party a chance to respond. There is no favoritism as far as I'm concerned.
The owners group was made so owners can interact/network with each other. Moderators are used strictly to approving members in. They were never intended to help "police" issues. Frankly, I would love if all issues are kept off the owners group. But if someone brings something up, we usually let it ride to warn others or give the other party a chance to respond. There is no favoritism as far as I'm concerned.

You should edit your quote to say ex owners also. Or individuals also that can not provide proof but are kept in because they are "good" per say for the community or you get a ton of members rallying for them to stay. Honestly there is favoritism and before one issue moderators would simply kick you out of the group for whatever reason such as arguing with them. It's happened before, and will it happen again I have no idea. But to claim the owners group has no favoritism is completely false and to paint the group as a utopia run at the complete best is absurd. Nothing against you or the group Ginash so don't take it personal. It's much better then the open group.
Nothing is perfect, but I think we do the best we can. We do allow ex-owners to stay (stated in the rules), and try to get owners to prove ownership the best we can. This is strictly a voluntary role and not easy to manage. At one point it was getting too difficult to manage so we made the group "secret." I personally don't do any of this myself because of lack of time. The owners group was meant to be a fun thing, but some people take it too seriously.
its FB so it's not perfect but it's better than the open Prime group that I left a year ago, some of the conversations would be better held here but once again that's just whats happening to all forums. I set up the NZ NSX Owners page for obviously 'owners in NZ only' and the amount of people trying to join who either aren't Kiwi's or even owners is huge and some of them get pissed when I deny them