favorite RPM for engine music

15 September 2004
sacramento california
i was thinking that 5000 to 5500 RPM has the best sound for me. 1992 with stock 5 speed tranny 17 inch rears comptech headers and Tubi exhaust. i love just listening with the windows down. and the tubis are not for sale :-)
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It's 7,000 rpm for me with a ctsc, Df scoop, and taitec exhaust. Mechanical symphony....
Wanna sell me your tubi exhaust?
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6000 - 8000, wide open throttle, B&B exhaust. Gives me chills.
5500-7500 as soon as it "kicks yo" and starts screaming
SOS headers to taitec GTLW
I have noticed that Marks Pride V2 sings nicely at 4000/4200 rpms while running around town. {In the cabin anyway}.
For me it's all between 4 and 5k, half throttle. NA2 with Comptech SC, headers and exhaust.