Fastening ground cable off of batt.

23 June 2002
Pacifica, CA
Replacing my ground/negative cable due to too much corrosion. There is a 10mm bolt that fastens the ground side of cable on the car itself -- however when I loosen this bolt it spins freely and I am unable to get to the nut in back.

I thumbed through the manual looking for diagrams or tips - with no success.

Hints, tips, or tricks much appreciated!


91 Black/Ivory
Hey Matt,

I may be dremel time:). At least to get the nut and cable off. Sounds like corrosion (maybe electrolysis) rotted the stud which was probably either swedged or tack welded to the body.

I have not seen this attachment point, is it behind the blower or near the bottom of it?? Maybe time to find a new good strong place to mount a stud too.

Thanks for the reply, Larry! Indeed I think you're right... I don't think I have access to this bolt from the front and I suspect some corrosion as the ground cable actually did look OK.

Oddly enough, the ground cable snapped off on the end around the small (10mm head) bolt. I tried a different 10mm bolt right down from that and got some initial ground but, when I tried to turn over, lost it (all power went off). I'm trying to look in the manual where it is I can hook ground up to. I'll try a few different points and report back on what I find.

Well -- trying another location didn't pan out. I think I'm stuck with that particular one. I'm going through the passenger compartment side to try to come up with a solution. Looks like a bit of stuff to remove first.

I'll keep everyone posted in case someone runs into the same problem.

Allright -- let's close this thread out:

-If the "nut" behind comes lose, use a different location along the body. I assumed that this part of the body did not conduct and there was perhaps something inside to ground to. This is not the case. When I tried a different location on the frame I assumed that I would be able to ground off of the nut/bolt (not the body itself) and therefore didn't ground off any of the paint. That was wrong.

I may just re-tap the original hole -- however I think using a different bolt hole along the firewall is a safer option.

Just for the record, there is no way to access behind where the original grounding nut/bolt is. The nut behind is welded on (except on mine -- it's rather loose now). I just put a bit of good ol' duct tape over the head of the bolt it so that it doesn't rattle around. I tried accessing from underneath the dash to no avail.

To get more room, try unbolting the blower (very easy). This ground point is behind/below the blower.
