I saw that NSX but as I already wrote many times in this forum, I do not feel that the NSX is worth the 66000 euro (or in this case 70000$).
Probably because IMO it is not worth 2x as much as a very well mainatined 1991-1994 and because F355s are at least 10k less than that... some may be upeset by this but again IMO a F355 is a better car then the NSX-T. Again, IMO, I would even accapt the less reliability of the Ferrari (and the 19k price difference in favour of the 355 would cover my a$$ anyway!

Ok, here's the truth, I accepted to sell my car to buy a really perfect 1997 NSX-T, 30k km for 45000 euro. That is the max. price I am interested in paying for a NSX-T (should not be new of course, 1997 is okay

) or 30000 for a
very perfect 1991-1993.
The NSX-T was unfortunately sold two weeks before Martin came here to buy my car and I lost it. This is kind of sad because I would already be able to post photos of it, with me in it, here right now...

And what is even more sad is that the car has been several months for sale, ans zzzap, taken away in front of my eyes anc cheque!
I would want another NSX if the eprfect one comes on my way, and slowly start to make some mod to have another wonderful nsx as mine was...
I probably like more in having things done to it than just own it, and another color (no Boston, no midnight pearl for me!

) would renew my interest in the car.
Now, I still have to speak with two 355 sellers... then I will take a decision!