Fantastic Track Event @ Sebring!

15 November 2001
High in the Rockies
Thanks to Chin Motorsports for organizing an awesome track event at NSXpo and congratulations to all participants for making it one of the safest DE's we've ever put on! Thanks especially go out to all our volunteer instructors -- you guys and gals have set the bar at a very high level and represent the best in driving instruction at the club level.

Looking forward to seeing even more of you at Mid-Ohio next year -- another not-to-be-missed event!

Best Regards,

-- Bruce
Yes, a BIG thanks to Chin Motorsports for running NSXPO's track days in the great Chin tradition. I am fortunate enough to live 75 miles from Sebring, often considered CMS's "home track" and have enjoyed many great days on track at their events. For those who may not know, Chin Motorsports donated their services and resources for the NSXPO track days...a very generous show of support on their part.

Many thanks to Wei-Shen, Vince, Mark, Maria and the rest of the CMS crew for helping the NSXrs have some fun at Sebring this year!

A special thanks to Carbotech for their generous support of the track event. They made a significant donation, sponsored lunch both days and helped out with some great giveaways for our raffle. Great job!
I must say the whole sebring experience was great.The low subscription for the school was a disapointment,but the upside was a 1-1 student teacher ratio,plenty of unclutered track time,and no bent street cars!The other thing that made this a stress free fun event was the cooler than usual temps,my student and I were parked together,and the hotel was right there, I mean right at turn 7,you could drive right into the pool:biggrin: Obviously the Chin format and slick operations were icing on the cake!AAAAAtentionnnn in the Padockkkkk!LOL. Now the fornicating bug situation was getting a bit biblical:eek: Anyway food and drink were always at hand,and there were plenty of track regulars to show me the way around.Three days went by in a flash.