Fan Radiator Duct Removal

5 September 2007
Edmonton, AB, CANADA
Can the Radiator Duct be removed without taking the front bumper off the car?
I gave it a a try. releasing all the plastic clips...(5 top, 7 bottom), 2 cable ties, and three hood release cable ties.

It is a really tight fit between the bumper and radiator.

Maybe the radiator its self needs to come out?

Has anyone done this?
When I made that job when I was doing 02+ update to my nsx. I think u will need to take out of your bumber...
Yes, it can be removed without taking off the front bumper. There are a few of us that of done it to install front chassis bars. I have an '05, so I'm not sure how this will vary with earlier models, if any. There are 5 clips across the top, 7 clips on the bottom, and 1 bolt on the bottom. There are also 5 clips holding various wires to the air dam itself. I did disconnect the wiring for the O2 sensor, I know the location of the sensor is not the same on all years. That should be everything either attaching the air dam to the car and things attached to the air dam. The key to removing it, is to fold the far outside vertical pieces inward and slowly work it down. Watch out for the O2 sensor as it gets in the way. This may only affect later models. It helps if it is warm as the plastic will be easier to manipulate. Hope this helps.

Yes you can. It sucks but it can be done.

Just make sure all the plastic clips are undone and anything holding a wire to the shroud is not attached either. There may be a few other things that are attached to the shroud.

I just kind of bent and pulled from the bottom. It's easier if you pull from one side down low and not both at the same time. The shroud is pretty flexible.