Failed NJ Emissions...Need Advice

27 August 2002
Howell, NJ USA
to my surprise, my stock 91 just failed nj inspection due to high emissions (no). the readings were as follows...

no reading 1039 std 970 FAILED
hc reading 128 std 98 passed
co reading 0.34 std 0.71 passed

ran the car preety hard on its way to inspection but did sit for 15 minutes waiting for my turn. car has no problems that i am aware of and runs great.

any suggestions???

I am confused about your numbers above:

"co reading 0.34 std 0.71 passed" Is the standard .34 and you were .71 and it passed??

I recall you having some problems with the car "missing", bad coil maybe?? When was the last time the car had maintenance and what is the mileage??

larry b,

i did have a hesitation problem which turned out to be a failing ignition coil. the coil was replaced along with all the plugs (oem plugs installed) and the car has run great since.

my co reading of 0.34 was below the allowable measurement of 0.71 so it passed.

the "no" reading is too high and that is my problem.

current mileage is 40K
NOX is caused by excessively high combustion temperatures. EGR is the method of reducing temps employed in our cars. I am guessing bad or clogged EGR valve. The manual has a troubleshooting and repair section starting at 11-126.
Good luck!

Happy Motoring At all Costs!
JPS Europa-
thanx for the info. it seem to be exactly what i needed. do you have any experience with problems related to the egr system? can i just change the egr valve or should i get a more extensive diagnostic done? the service engine light has not come yet...which surprised me when i was told it failed inspection. forgive me if the question seem born out of ignorance...they are.

thanx again.

You can also try the emissions test again with the EGR valve hooked directly up to engine vacuum so it will be definately be engaged and working for the at least for the test (assuming its a good EGR Valve)
Failed emissions in NJ?

Just go find a private inspection location at a local gas station and find someone there who is willing to stick the emissions probe into a known good vehicle to get a number for the window sticker. This should cost you $20-$50 cash plus the cost of the inspection.

Be thankful you don't live where I do... we now have to let some yahoo put our cars on a dyno for inspection.
