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Factor X

3 November 2005
Edmonton, Canada

Well, I'm a little pissed off with Mike at Factor X. I was in Las Vegas from May 24-27 and I had wanted to see their facilities and cars. I had PM'd them my intentions a month before my trip there and followed up subsequently with 2 additional PMs. I called the Friday before I showed up in Las Vegas to confirm that Mike would be able to meet with me.

When I arrived, I called them on the Friday and spoke with Mike and he said that he had some errands to run and that I should call a couple hours later. I called later and he said that he was going back to the office and that he would call me when he got there so that I could get some taxi directions. He never called.

I then called him on Saturday and left a message that was never returned.

I realize that they're probably busy there - I mean in 4 days there I got 9 hours of sleep in total, but if I'm looking to drop $20K for an upgrade to my car I would expect a bit better customer service. I think that I went well out of my way to try to fit myself into their schedule, but I was rewarded with nothing but silence.

Re: A Little Pissed Off With Factor X

I had excellent service from Mike when I was there. Took out a FX500 while I was there. However, I can sympathize. If you didn't like your service you can take your business elsewhere. LoveFab comes to mind.

btw, $20,000 is a good start for a Factor X build unless you've got some upgrades done already.
Re: A Little Pissed Off With Factor X

Probably just bad timing. I made a trip out to Vegas and planned ahead to stop by Factor X and meet Mike. He made time for me and it was a wonderful visit.

And I'm from Kansas! (joke)

Go back to Vegas. Now you have a good excuse to return.