Factor X Turbo & BBSC

No I don't.

My car is completely stock (with the exception of 94 7-spoke wheels/tires).

Jimbo said:
No I don't.

My car is completely stock (with the exception of 94 7-spoke wheels/tires).


Maybe that means you cant comment on the bbsc. :) I beleive Andys Novi2000 also starts boosting at around 2500 rpm.
Jimbo - I was not trying to single you out, but it's premature at best to draw conclusions just because one person posted that their car "starts to pull hard" from 3000 RPM. That is so vague and without any point of reference that it is totally meaningless.

What are the dyno numbers? What else does that car have done to it? Is it an "as shipping" kit or a prototype? Does it need an aftercooler? How is the top-end? How is the A/F ratio? Until we know some actual facts, we can't even begin have an intelligent discussion about it.

I personally don't care who has what installed on their car. Heck there are people who don't own an NSX, much less a forced induction one, that could school all of us on the subject. But I do care that we have something substantive to discuss instead of second-hand opinions on something we don't have any details about.

I see Mark registered a new account here today as BaschBoost, so hopefully some authoritative information is coming soon. :)

You did mention my exact quote so I thought it reasonable to assume you were addressing me.

I'm certainly not drawing conclusions about the BBSC. I simply saw a few references (i.e. v8killer, andy...) about the latest incarnation and thought it looked promising.

In the meantime, however, if a BBSC user with a Novi 2000 says his car pulls strong from 3K, I see no reason why we can't simply mention it.

Of course, there are other questions and it looks like these will be addressed in the near future.

Lud said:
Jimbo - I was not trying to single you out, but it's premature at best to draw conclusions just because one person posted that their car "starts to pull hard" from 3000 RPM. That is so vague and without any point of reference that it is totally meaningless.

What are the dyno numbers? What else does that car have done to it? Is it an "as shipping" kit or a prototype? Does it need an aftercooler? How is the top-end? How is the A/F ratio? Until we know some actual facts, we can't even begin have an intelligent discussion about it.

I personally don't care who has what installed on their car. Heck there are people who don't own an NSX, much less a forced induction one, that could school all of us on the subject. But I do care that we have something substantive to discuss instead of second-hand opinions on something we don't have any details about.

I see Mark registered a new account here today as BaschBoost, so hopefully some authoritative information is coming soon. :)

Would I be wrong in assuming that the Original BBSC did what Mark said it would, a quick search would produce more than a few Dyno reports. So I think it a good thing that he is still finding ways to get some more torque and HP out of our cars.

Factor X Turbo

Personally spoke to the guys at Factor X and have seen photo's of the system, WOW! Their belief is that they want to market a system without regrets down the road. I think they will accomplish hands down, I am scheduled to visit their shop and test drive one of their cars in 2 weeks.
Re: Factor X Turbo

ga nsxtacy said:
Personally spoke to the guys at Factor X and have seen photo's of the system, WOW! Their belief is that they want to market a system without regrets down the road. I think they will accomplish hands down, I am scheduled to visit their shop and test drive one of their cars in 2 weeks.

ga nsxtacy,

It was a pleasure speaking with you. If you have any more questions feel free to call and we will do our best to answer them.