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Congrats to Factor X and Stuntman for winning their event.

Nice to hear the NSX got a lot of air time from the announcers.

Stuntman was very accommodating when my family and I met him. Took the time to talk with us for a bit. Too bad I did not get a chance to talk to the other Factor X guys but my 3 year old was having a conversation with very friendly Factor X guy and gal about fire engines and engines on fire.:smile:

You guys do us NSX owners and Primers proud.

We saw Firesun's car in the Toyo booth Sat. Great looking car.

Acura, driven by Brabham had a good result finishing 1st in their class and     3rd overall in the ALMS race. Pretty exciting last Champ car race on Sunday.

Drift, Speed World Challenge and other support races makes for a good full race weekend.
