Facebook & Rally Crashers

2 July 2006
Austin, TX
Hey guys,

For you that attended the last NSX Craze, you have probably seen the Rally Crashers video on YouTube. We (Rally Crashers) have gotten FOX (TX Region) to agree to a Rally Crashers pilot. While the videos up on YouTube aren't our full work, they still liked what we had. One of the FOX guys was a big NSX fan and was ready with all the "camber" jokes he could think of for our meeting.

If you guys are on Facebook, look up our group under Rally Crashers (of course) and become a fan! We need to boost our fan base to get FOX national to buy the show. If all works well, I would love to have the NSXPO in Austin and do a full televised show on it in 2010.

I wouldn't even mind if you invited all your friends to join too......... really I wouldn't (wink wink)! My personal page is also on there so hit me up with a friend request. Thanks for your help!