eye tricks for ya..

6 October 2002
Sacramento, CA
i know these have probably been posted before but if you havent seen them yet and you dont want to do a search...have fun!


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If you look very very carefully at this photo, there's a black NSX in it.
It takes a lot of concentration and mind-power to see it. :D <IMG SRC="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/mdrbig.gif"> :D

<IMG SRC="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/attachment.php?postid=250282">

Women seem to have no problems with this test, but men repeatedly fail.... the keyword being 'repeatedly'. ;)
I see 12 faces... I am not even going to ask what that makes me. Which one is not real?


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White94 said:
I see 12 faces... I am not even going to ask what that makes me. Which one is not real?

There is one more that I see right above the beige rock on the top right of the picture and just below and to the left of the tree branches.
jlindy said:
There is one more that I see right above the beige rock on the top right of the picture and just below and to the left of the tree branches.

Other web sites report 13, 15, and even 20 faces in this picture.
The print is titled "The Forest Has Eyes" by Bev Doolittle.
Here is a link to a better image.
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Sorry guys, you are all wrong :p 1 more... Mumra is in the house.

jlindy said:
There is one more that I see right above the beige rock on the top right of the picture and just below and to the left of the tree branches.

I looked at the bigger picture and I don't know what crack I was smoking. There is not one where I thought, but I have found 16 faces so far.
one of my favourites.
<B>Count the number of people before and after the animation.</B>

<IMG SRC="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/attachment.php?postid=232981">
i posted this on <A HREF="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=26984">this thread</A> a while ago, so it might not be new to some.
I really enjoy these mind teasers.
While on a summer trip to Martha's Vineyard I met an artist who creates these things. What amazed me was how he was able to have the vision in his mind and bring it to everyone else through his hands.

After talking for a while he asked if my girlfriend and I would be interested in having dinner at his house. His house is on my top ten list of the most beautiful houses I have ever been in. It is also number one on my list of the most unique houses I have ever visited.

He built this house himself over a 10 year period at a cost of nearly 15 million dollars. In the center of the house was a spiral stair case four stories tall up to his studio overlooking the ocean. The hand rail for the stair case was ONE solid piece of oak steamed and twisted to fit perfectly. He steamed and bent the wood over a Five year period and screwed it down through the skylight opening at the top of the stairwell. Every inch of this guys house had this type of hands on attention to detail.

The entire dinning room floor is made from 3 inch sections of tree trunks or branches right down to a millimeter in diameter. All set on end to reveal the rings in the wood. He then sanded them smooth and epoxy coated the entire floor. Very impressive even if they were randomly set, but each section of the floor had some sort of innuendo. For instance one section had a large cherry trunk piece about 18 inches in diameter with a small crack in it. All around it was smaller sperm shaped limbs in maple which appeared to be swimming in the epoxy towards the cherry trunk piece. Amazing!

In his studio hung many of his original pieces covering every inch of all four walls where there wasn't any glass. Looking at any wall straight on the art would appear stationary and one dimensional, BUT both walls in my peripheral vision the art work would be sliding, tumbling, or moving in some manner. When I shifted my vision to the moving art work it would stop and the art work in my new peripheral vision would start to move. What a mind screw!!
Steve, That sounds unreal! Certainly an extraordinary experience.

This one is screwy...


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