Eye for an Eye, Ding for a Ding

What's the old saying 'two wrongs don't make a right (but three lefts do)'. In most cases, the people who ding other people's cars don't car about other's property or even their own. They are typically driving cars that have not been taken care of. Any kind of retribution will have no effect on them. My other concern is always that the car currently parked next to me may not have been the one that actually dinged my car. In this case, if I were to retalliate, I might be dinging someone's car who tries as hard as I do not to ding other people's car. On the other hand, I know how mad I get when I see someone has dinged my car and it's always tempting to 'get even'. My approach (much to wife's displeasure) is to always park at the end of the parking lot as far away from people as I can get. Typically, the only people who park this far away are people like myself and they typically leave at least one space between my car and theirs.

Just my $0.02 worth.
I had somebody backed up in my left front fender once in a parking lot (how can it happened?) I was so pissed off, I thought I was going to punch the guy. Ended up costing close to $1,900 to fixed it (his insurance paid for it.)
I had someone too lazy to get out of their car to move a shopping cart one time, they slowly pushed it with their bumper until they pinned the cart between the sides of both our cars.

It left a scuff mark on my paint so I left him/her a present on their front fender to remind them never to do it again. It wasn't even my NSX. I have no idea what I would have done if it was my NSX.:rolleyes:

Don't mess with the X.
Mr.Wolf said:
A guy dinged the door of my NSX purposefully.
So i took out my 9mm and "dinged" his kneecap. :D
My dear friend, why put at risk your valuable assets of cleaning when a spell is untraceable. Call upon me for those duties requiring a stealth walk through the trees.
Purposely damaging another person's car just because that person gave your car a ding does not make your ding go away. I say suck it up and make a trip to Ding Wizard to have it fixed. Lots of idiots out there in this world but that doesn't mean you need to join them in their actions. Just be more careful in where you park next time.
Re: Re: Eye for an Eye, Ding for a Ding

Troll Patrol said:
My dear friend, why put at risk your valuable assets of cleaning when a spell is untraceable. Call upon me for those duties requiring a stealth walk through the trees.

You must have more time on your hands than I do
his post makes perfect sense, but perhaps it belongs on a lord of the rings forum, much more accustomed to magical shenanigans.

Then again it is off topic ;)
his post makes perfect sense, but perhaps it belongs on a lord of the rings forum, much more accustomed to magical shenanigans.

:D :D :D ajnsx I think that is the funniest reply I have ever seen posted on this site! <p>
It is even funnier if you have seen the movie Super Troopers ;)
I think it would be very funny to be so wealthy that if this happened I could just hand the offender the keys and say "it is your car now"
Mr.Brian2by2 wrote: I woulda taken out BOTH knee caps

Exactly! I was cutting the guy a break by capping one knee.
I think I like your Mr.Brian2by2. We should have coffee and a little 'talk' sometime. :D

Mr.Troll Patrol - I already have a black guy working for me that quotes parts of the Bible before killing someone. He does it to freak the victim out. :D While you show similiar potential, you are just too freaked out for me. Sorry son.
ROFL.... "Oh, this is a "hypothetical" scenario. " LOL

We have had some really bizarre threads on the OFFTOPIC lately... one where someone wished cancer on a person who dinged their car ; a 'would u kill a man scenario' ; and now this.... what next?! :D