Explain your avatars!

I just look for pics that express how I feel inside. My normal screen name is Psykosis (I registered the name, but I can't access the email account I used, so i basically shot myself in the foot) as I used to be a psychology major. Anyway, the avatar just represents how I feel inside (confused, spread too much, and lost) more often than not.

The other avatar I use on other boards is below...


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PHOEN$X said:
Ok, some of you are creeping me out with your avatar pics. Others are plain weird (AaronR?).

I think Aaron's avatar looks like a picture of Taitec JGTC exhaust sitting on a table or sofa.

Mine is self-explanatory.. BMW 740 :D.
Bloodfish, by RS Connett. Very disturbed artist, fell in love with the picture during a very disturbed period in my life. College. Military school does some weird stuff to your head at times. I think I have recovered. Maybe. Please....

This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life....Sorry, moment of reversion. :)

Do a search for the "vomitus maximus" museum to check Connett out. Don't say I didn't warn you. Last I knew, Bloodfish had been destroyed in a fire, and reprints were not availible. Wife probably would not let me put it up now anyway....

Actually, most of the other pics that I have are either too busy to shrink down and see anything neat, or just not good quality. I really wanted a pic of the X and my bike, but have yet to bring the digicamera home from work. Bloodfish was my first attempt at a custom avatar.

Besides I work for the NC Wildlife Resources Commission as an engineer-boat ramp designer-builder-ecosystem destroyer....

'Nuff said, I think. Being on the road with no beer really sux, but I am going to do it.

Re: Re: Explain your avatars!

Tiger740 said:
I think Aaron's avatar looks like a picture of Taitec JGTC exhaust sitting on a table or sofa.

Aaron's avatar is of Comptech header (rear header I think). He ordered the headers about the same time I ordered mine. They are a work of art.
Glad to see my avatar getting some play :D
It's actually a really cool pic in normal size. I'll post it here when I get home.

The pic is my Taitec JGTC Parallell sitting on my coffee table (resting on a black towel). If you look in the backround you will see a table with a bottle of wine, glasses, etc... The light is funky becuase I have large swinging shutters and it was really sunny the day it arrived. That exhaust is a work of art.

I actually was going to use a pic from the same day with my DC exhaust (that we removed after only a few days of use) in the garbage can (as a joke) but didn't want to offend anyone so......:p
Hey, it's back! Thanks!

Now that my avatar is back: it's a picture of my NSX coming out of the Keyhole at Mid-Ohio, NSXPO '98, Mr. NSXTACY was my instructor and is in the passenger's seat saying "more throttle...more throttle!"

link to bigger picture www.danoland.com/danoland/nsx12.jpg

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I'd been curious about some of the avatars, too. I'm glad someone started a thread about it.

No explanation's really needed for mine....(that is if it even appears).


p.s. - this was the cheap way to see if my avatar worked right/looked right.....

(edit) --> Hey, look at that! It worked! Yea!
F-14 going supersonic with a beautiful vapor cloud around the entire aircraft.
When normal size my avatar is not so wierd...:cool:


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I wanted to use this one, but it was really wierd looking in small form! And I know what you are thinking, but the taitec looks so cool, so I had to take a few pics before we put it on :) :) :)


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mine is a picture of my good friend marks NSX, this was taken at the ALMS 2002...

thats the REALTIME Racing 18-wheeler i the background :D
I took this picture holding the camera out in front of me while going straight up during a max performance takeoff in an F-16B out of Edwards AFB. I was there teaching at the Air Force Test Pilot School.

Good one , Bob.... :)

Not being a "driver" or really even an enthusiast, what are the g's you are pulling on a vert afterburn? Can you hold your arm out at those g's? And why can we see the sky if you are totally vert?

If it was taken just prior (or after, as it appears you are upside down) , I could understand.

Wording can get you killed in cyberspace. ;)

Not trying to flame, just being my normal, skeptical, pessimistic self....

All in good fun.

tomc92bb000059 said:
Not being a "driver" or really even an enthusiast, what are the g's you are pulling on a vert afterburn? Can you hold your arm out at those g's? And why can we see the sky if you are totally vert?

Depending on the fuel load, an F-16 may or may not be accelerating at all during a vertical climb, therefore the airspeed is somewhat constant. Because of this, the g load is very small during the vertical climb. The g load during the pullup can be low (2-3) or very high (9) depending on how fast you make the transition.

The horizontal line in the picture is not the sky/horizon, it is the trailing edge of the wing. You can see the vertical orientation best by looking at the runway in the background.

What's bizzare . . .

about a crashed NSX? Let answer the question of: what happens to an NSX after spinning around and around and then hitting a concrete barrier. Let's just say that my wheel base is a little shorter than most . . . thus creating a shorter turning radius. Oh and I fit into more parallel parking spaces than most NSX's.

I thought it was humurous, as most avatars are clean and shiney cars and mine is slightly bent . . .

AaronR: There was nothing wrong with your avatar. I just wanted an explanation.

khiroshima: Same thingie. I had no idea WTF that white stuff on your bumper was. Got any blowups (of your avatar I mean :D )?