Exhaust for supercharged NSX.

25 June 2012
The supercharger sound is overwhelming on high RPM thus masking my CT engineering exhaust. What exhaust sound is awesome with a supercharger setup?
CT is the quietest so anything else will be louder.
Only way to reduce the whine from what I have read is to add baffles to the intake to reduce the air going in, but this is completely counterproductive of why you bought the charger in the first place.

Also remember that the supercharger is a hand reach from your head, while the exhaust is not. The sound from the supercharger normally be easier to hear in an NSX.

Best headers for a supercharger would be a custom set built around your motor. Large equal length(across all 6 banks) primaries , with larger secondaries and a free flowing exhaust. Cody from Lovefab makes some very good headers, but the wait time horror stories are out there for him as well. Custom parts take time, but even they have a time period before it isn't worth spending money with someone.

Edit: I thought I read the best headers for a supercharger. Exhaust would be any good free flowing exhaust. A custom one is always a good idea when you are dealing with $1000+ budget. Look for a used pride if you want something cheap and reliable.
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I like my CTSC whine (but I also have a relatively loud custom exhaust).
In this part of the country (North Carolina, moonshine-NASCAR country), supercharger whine is sweet music as you pull into any car gathering...
Awesome tips. Pride is top of the list for now.
Pride V2 FI version (2.5" dia pipes).

Just curious Why this model? From current research...hahaha...(sounds like a school project.). Mark has tons of different models.
If you are driving all you will hear is the sc noise and intake noise than the exhaust noise even if the exhaust is loud. I have endura lite exhaust and its loud outside the car but when I am driving, all I hear is the sc noise.
Pare, wag yan for power. That exhaust is a copy of the GT-One 5.1 and was designed for sound not so much power. You'd be leaving power on the table...which sometimes is OK for some people.

Well noted. Thanks
I have the GT-One 5.1, and it flows very well...now that the cans are blown out :)