As I mentioned in a few earlier posts. Given the tsunami that wiped out all of Japans stock of oem parts, it is rather hard to find a good replacement in the industry these days. If you’ve tried ordering nsx Parts in the last 4 years, you’d agree with me, they do not exist. Honda is getting beat into submission lately by other brands and the nsx is a red headed step child. No parts, high costs, no order lead times, etc, etc, etc. let’s stop acting like this isn’t new here already...
On the other hand, This clutch is a very good option without any credible options available. I just share my experiences as a consumer and not as a guy who has a lift in his garage, who can spend countless hours tinkering on a car to get it right. That’s what I pay a good mechanic for.
But let’s get one thing clear, this clutch shudders BIG time. It has nothing to do with the transmission or the engine mounts in my own opinion. Performance shops make quite a deal from selling these clutches just like everyone else does in the industry.
It isn’t worth 2 grand excluding labor. My problem is, I am past the point of an oem clutch working with my motor. Therefore, options were very slim. For me, this clutch is so past the point of daily usability that I would pull the Aem ems 2 and go back to low boost if I didn’t have 4 other cars to drive. The car is an absolute monster now as is, but with great power comes great headaches... I’m not looking to debate this either. I am just stating my opinion as I have it. Btw, has anyone commented yet about dropping this clutch into second at 30 mph? Think of a Tesla 0-60 only in reverse. Or trying to find first gear at 20 mph. You need to double clutch to put her in gear. End of rant... :biggrin: