Example of an E-Bay Scam to buy my NSX!

30 October 2004
Las Vegas
You probably have seen the advertisements for vehicles listed considerably below recognized values. These guys (Seller/Scammer) want you to send them a deposit for purchase, etc, etc, etc.... You can read all about this method in numerous Threads posted on PRIME.

Now here is the opposite side of the equation- The Buyer's Scam...
I have my NSX listed on E-Bay

I know that there are many wanna-bees, pretenders, and players that use E-Bay for entertainment and even profit (Scams). I have never had much luck selling anything directly off of an auction but I have used E-Bay successfully to advertise and promote items that I have had for sale that have led to a sale made privately / after the auction closes.

I am familliar with most of the scams and have had these types of scams attempted on me numerous times. Here is an example of the "Buyer Scam". My best advice is to never, never provide sensitive information to anyone over the InterNet. Deal personally with your banker and if the transaction requires a wire transfer then set up a temporary account to be used one time only to accomodate the transaction. After the transfer is completed then close the account immediately. For more advice speak directly to your bank.

This is a legitimate sale!
The reason I am selling is to raise some cash to purchase an airplane.
I am "MOTIVATED" until I make a purchase.
If I can get my NSX sold in the near future I am somewhat negotiable!

My NSX is also Posted in the Market section here on PRIME


PS- I will be attending the BBQ in Stockton this weekend if anyone wants to see my NSX.

Beware- there are many lesson in life. Hopefully the lessons that you learn are not too costly.

Here is what this A$$Whole tried with me...

Hi, am an merchant of years of experience with an array of clients around the coast of europe and africa,a client has placed a quote on your Ebay item and the need to get intouch to you for the buy it no price. Will you be able to accept a bank to bank transfer as a mode of payment?,client has said he will only raise the money through that mode of payment and the my cshippers fees. Please your answer on this, will enable me to issue a directive to my client on the issuance of your payment to you . Get back to me with your contact detail like name, address and phone# including the banking information (Account No., Routing No.) and bank address you want us to send the payment . So go and end the auction now i will pay the buy it now price."

BTW- My answer is "Please read my Auction closely! First- I do NOT have a Buy It Now price! Second- I will sell to the ""First Cash in Hand"". Third- These Terms of Sale are non-negotiable!
I will be reporting you and your e-mail address to E-Bay fraud and directly to the FBI InterNet Fraud division.
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