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1 April 2002
San Francisco
Let me explain situation before a conclusion or judgement is made. As most of you know, but if you don't know, Erick (Evof575gtc) sells parts here at prime. I'll try and make this short, maybe not that short. Back in 2007 I (so did other members here) bought one of those carbon fiber (with smoked clear coat or not smoked clear coat) rear diffusers produced by the name "MODE4" listed here >>> http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=89934. I paid the full listed price of $785 shipped.:eek: Then shortly after that another vendor (NGR/synergy.... I believe) was blowing them out for $250 shipped . Then there was this whole controversy that came out because of the large difference in price. The assumed name "MODE4" consist of (4) partners, Erick being one of them. Come to find out that "MODE4" were actually purchasing these rear diffusers from this other vendor for resale, but "MODE4" did not purchase everything that was agreed upon between them. When everything was exposed, Erick then knew that he was caught for over pricing the rear diffusers. Erick then decided to give a partial refund (approximately $500) for all that purchase from him. Anyway, everyone involved PM'd him about this and Erick replied back with a dollar amount he'll refund us. Erick then gave a partial refund ($200) back to some of us and told us not to make a big deal of it or spread it all over the forums. As far as I know, most of us did (kept quite as per Erick's request) because he did give some of us back a partial refund. So I followed up with Erick with a PM every couple of months or so. From that point there were the endless excuses. He kept saying "oh I'll have the refund for you in a couple of months when I sell this and that, I have some personal problems, so on and so forth, etc. Excuse after excuse I get from him. Not wanting to push him too hard and we walk egg shells around him trying not to piss him off so we'll get all of our refunds back. Now it has been amost 2 years since he had promised to refund the rest to us that he owes. Since this has gone on wall too long, I am making my NEGATIVE buying experience with him here. Personally I don't care if he refunds the rest or not. It's the principal behind how he's going about it. Bottom line is that he should have never promised what he couldn't deliver. I know some of you who have purchased from him has had positive experiences from him, so did I before all of this happened. Out of respect for Erick (which has worn out) I'm WAS trying to keep this private rather then public, but I need to get his attention and let now let everyone know about this unresolved issue. I'm sure those who were involved with this feel the same way, but are reluctant to say otherwise because they're still hold on hope for a refund which at this point I doubt will ever happen.
I am also one of the members promised a refund and left sitting here with nothing but excuses.
Thanks for starting this thread Jackson.