Evaporator replacment, Pictures

1 May 2003
Brookfield, WI


Unreal Brian, I remember one of us Prime members who did their own evap and his final conclusion was that he would let the dealer do it next time. That's bad!

Good luck and let us know how it goes!
Was your coil rubbed open on the side as well? Or you had a different reason to replace the coil.
xsn said:
WOW! You are much braver than me.

How many parts did you have left over? ;)

Not a single one, other then the old evap coil, old o-rings for the coil connections and the old heater hoses that I had to cut off. Took my time and used a lot of zip-lock bags. Even found the screw from the vent that I dropped inside the dash 3 weeks before.
Briank said:
The coil just had a small leak in it, I did not look that close at it but it was not loose in its mounting so rubbing was not a problem.

Yeah, i know, it seems pretty stuck in there, but sand and dust will get caught inbetween the coil and the housing, causing vibrations to rub the side of the coil open.
well, at least in my case, and if i remember correctly, this has been reported here before.
Yes. That's exactly what I saw when I sent my NSX about a year ago to replace the evaporator (cooling coil?). I ask the guy if he knows what he was doing and he told me there were 4 NSX and one F348 before me. Took him one day to do it. I paid almost USD 1K.
trible- :eek: Just got a heart-attack thinking my dealer would do it. I'll try to do it myself if it every breaks down. I don't want to fuss on my car.
Its just untreated metal. Often you see fingerprints all over them from the peeps who made or installed them, and mostly on those places you see corrosion.