Evaporator differences

Call me cynical, but I would have to wonder why someone would have a GOOD one layin' around.

They are easily tested at any radiator shop, and can be repaired, but with the cost of installation, who wants to take that chance.

Not me,
The 92/93 is in line with the R-12 to R-134a change over. The evaporators are the same (pretty sure). The included seals might be different, causing the year difference.

I think the real questions ZenNSX are asking: "Has anybody used an aftermarket evaporator? Why is there a $150 difference between the two listed models for the NSX".

I think the answer is: You are probably going to be the first to take the plunge. There shouldn't be any good reason for the price difference.

On item Ebay #7946057190 (for 93-05, @$305) and #7946057156 (91-92 @455) are auctions by AMC, 1040 E. 4TH STREET GRAHAM, TEXAS 76450.

It states "All new parts carry a one-year warranty and are built by O.E. approved parts manufacturers".

Does Honda have more than one supplier on A/C parts?
Who are those suppliers?
Why is there a price difference, when Honda parts info says they are same unit?

Zen, I think the aftermarket units are inexpensive enough to at least try one out (somebody has to do it). It is not rocket science, but they have to take the care and quality to do it right.

I've been forced to use aftermarket parts for cars that were no longer supplied by the dealer. Some worked great and some did not. Expect to do some minor bending and drilling to get everything to line up... just a small PITA in an attempted to save some good money.
