EuroSunday's 1st Friday Car Show at The Fountains

2 February 2009
The September (9/2/11) 1st Friday Car Show will be hosted by EuroSunday.

If you're a member, you should be receiving information about sigining up for the show soon. Currently all spots are reserved for "members" and/or "EuroSunday staff". They have 50 total spots available.

On or about the 18th of August, EuroSunday will open up participation to fill up any (?) remaining spots.

To get on the list for the remaining spots (if any) you will have to:

1. Attend one of the upcoming EuroSunday events (Treffen on the 18th or EuroSunday on the 28th) and sign-up. See my other threads for details.

2. Respond to an email sent out to those on the EuroSunday mailing list. Sent out around or just after the 18 August 2011.

3. Respond to the EuroSunday FaceBook announcement - about or after 18 August 2011.

Once all the spots are filled, the list will be closed.