Euro NSX snap ring failure problems (and a few other question.)

2 July 2002
Oslo, Norway
Did the same snap ring failure occur in Europe as well as the states? What numbers in the VIN should I look for?

Aslo, what year did Europe get power steering?
(Is it worth it if that is the only difference I get from a newer model?)

Does anyone know of european NSX clubs? (I'm from Norway. Currently I drive 1 of 12 ITR's!!)

Thanks in advance. I new, but have been a regular reader on this board for a year. Great site.
Yes, the snapring-problem does occur in Europe as well. For more information look at

You cannot tell by the VIN if the car is in the snapring-range, you have to look at the gearbox-number.

AFAIK the NSX in Europe did get the power-steering the same year as the US. However, my '94 NSX I bought in Germany has power-steering as well even though it's a manual so it seems to have been offered as an option.
MvM, your sold in 1994 is a '95 model (--> power steering). Here we do not use the same naming that is used in the US, were a car sold in October is already called with the next year designation.

In addition, in Europe we also had coupes for the 1995 model.

BITeR; yes, snap ring problem exists here. No, they (Honda) won't admit it.
Thanks guys, I'll make sure I check up on this when I get my car.

I guess the Europe community is small compared to the US, but I'm glad there is one. Hopefully I'll be able to find a 94 with power steering, which is what I want. I will also be out of the snap ring range.

I'll say try one without and one with powersteering.
I know 1 geezer who has 3 NSX's and enjoy's the steerign with his 3.0L without EPS better then his 97 3.2L with EPS.

Since we seem to have a fair number of European members these days, let me know if you guys are interested in a regional forum for European owners similar to the regional forums for different parts of the US.
that would be nice! So the european can meet while you are still sleeping

Oh, it is 16:00 (ehm 4:20pm), one other hour and I go home. I always miss the post-party here in the forums
Originally posted by Lud:
let me know if you guys are interested in a regional forum for European owners similar to the regional forums for different parts of the US.

Oh yes, It would be nice !
Originally posted by BITeR:
I guess the Europe community is small compared to the US

Yes, there are five to six times as many NSX in the States as in Europe (and about half as many in Canada as in Europe), as noted in this topic.