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EPS rack rebuild: MUST READ

30 March 2009
I have been following the rack issues on Prime for some time and then I bought a problem: a '94 one owner car, 59K miles, and about 15 or 20 degrees of steering wheel rotation before the wheels responded. I knew the car had a bad rack when I bought it.
At over $6,200 retail for a new one, I sourced it for $4500; still a big chunk of change. With great interest I followed the thread about d1 guy starting to rebuild the racks for a very reasonable $1,000. I bit.
Yesterday, I got to drive the car with the freshly rebuilt rack in place. What a dream! The steering is precise, smooth, fluid, and easy. Not only is it nothing like the mess it was before Matt did his magic, it may even be better than new!
I am so pleased with the work done that I am recommending Matt's service for anyone that has EPS concerns. He is a great asset to the community for his extensive effort in mastering this process and doing what they said could not be done. Kudos to you, Matt. Many thanks.
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Couldn't agree more. The repair work is first rate. His bearing replacement is so good that I have completely backed off the tightening adjustment bolt and the car is tight and laser sharp on steering input and feel. Matt is a complete class act. We are lucky to have him.
I had a problem with my EPS rack where the steering had about 10-20-degrees of play before it turned the wheels. I took it to the local Honda NSX dealer in Australia who provided me with a quote of $12,850 + fitting!!!

While I never would have considered agreeing to pay this, the hit and miss of trying to find a second hand RHD EPS rack on a Japanese website in good condition, especially as I don't speak the language, was not something that appealed to me at all.

After doing a number of searches on Prime I found a bloke in America "d1 guy" who from all reports did a fantastic job reconditioning these units. Obviously there was a considerable expense and risk for me to send the rack to America in the "hope" that he could fix it.

Nonetheless, I took the plunge in desperation, albeit with a fair amount of confidence based exclusively on all of the other overwhelmingly positive comments I had read about his talents. The steering rack is now back in the car and as good as new, in fact some might say better than new!!!

Matt (d1 guy) was sensational to deal with and in regular communication throughout the entire process, even helping me arrange cheap prices for shipping back to Australia. If anybody has a problem with their EPS rack, I can echo all the other comments you will read and very, very highly recommend Matt's work.

All the best,
