EPS problem

1 July 2004
Branson, MO

my power steering is out and my speedo jumps back and forth, Acura tells me the rack is bad, will replace for $6,500.00. EPS resets itself when i pull the clock fuse? please help!!!

Denver Wood
Did they actually disassemble the gear box and remove the rack from the rack guide to come to that conclusion, or was it a guess? Can you give more specifics in terms of "power steering is out?" Exactly what does it do and how does it feel?

Edit: I just noticed in your profile that it says you have a 91. Do you have power steering?
I have a 1991 automatic and i'm not sure if they disassembled it or not, i think they are assuming this. the EPS light is on and it's much stiffer and definently has no power steering like it does when i pull the clock fuse, looking on other forums i am disconnecting the battery to see if this might reset it permanently, but i doubt it, your help is greatly appreciated.

I wish I had the technical savy to further answer toward your issue, but I don't. Sit tight until one of the tech guru's like Larry or Barn can give you some specifics. IOW, don't accept that $6,500 tab just yet. ;)
Acura is telling me they cannot replace the speed sensor without replacing the rack too because the sensor is not separate from the rack, my initial thought was the same, but the rack and sensor are connected and cost is $6,500.00.
Maybe so, or maybe not. We'll see what LB has to say. That said, what if it's just the connector? From the referenced thread:
I had this problem and Devin from payne technologies diagnosed and fixed it in 5 seconds. My problem was that the speedo cable or wire had loosened at the connection to the (transaxle?) on the trunk side, center of the engine. he hand turned it tight and no more problems. Hope your solution is as easy. BY the way, it also caused me to throw cel,s and lose power steering.
DWood said:
Acura is telling me they cannot replace the speed sensor without replacing the rack too because the sensor is not separate from the rack, my initial thought was the same, but the rack and sensor are connected and cost is $6,500.00.

The sensor for the speedometer is on the transmission, the jumping speedometer is caused by a bad connection to the sensor or a bad sensor. Fix that first and then see what happens. The power steering rack has it's own separate sensors for speed and torque. Which may be bad also.
I'm with Brian. In fact I cannot find any speed sensor located on the steering rack:rolleyes:

There are actually two sensors on the trans in cars w/power steering. There is the typical large one on every NSX trans(speedo and other things), and then there is a smaller one that, I think, feeds the EPS System.

I still vote for the standard Speed Sensor as your problem:)

I have an appointment Tuesday to have it checked out based on all your replies and advice. I'll post the result
Thank you all very much,
Denver Wood