(EPS) Power steering rack repair/replacement

7 March 2004
Hi All,

I'm looking to buy a car that needs this done. I'm trying to gauge the level of difficulty for a novice mechanic in swapping this EPS assembly. Also, I would consider a manual steering rack conversion.

I know this part is VERY expensive (i.e. $5000 for the part alone). Is there anyway to repair these EPS units?

Trying to locate these parts used seems nearly impossible.

Thanks in advance.
We had to replace this unit in our car right before we sold our '96. As I recall the part is more in the $1,500 range. As far as swapping them out goes it is extremely simple. I did it myself in maybe twenty minutes or slightly more. Anyone can perform this swap if you know how to turn a wrench at all.

If you don't want the power steering then you don't really need to do any conversion as with the EPS out you are in a manual/unassisted mode. The only downside to this would be the EPS light on the dash. You may be able to save some weight by removing a few parts if you're really inclined, but I don't know if this is feasible or really easy enough to be worthwhile.

I personally would not have replaced the EPS module if we weren't selling the car. It has been discussed at length before on the pros and cons of power steering vs. non-power steering with people about evenly split.
Hi Understudy,

Thanks for your input, was the $1500 for the EPS computer? I reseached the power steering rack (which I think is the entire power steering unit that is self-contained) that is between two front wheels. That part is around $5000.

BTW, it makes noise when you turn. Was that your symptom also?

Yeah, the $1,500 range was for the EPS module, not the entire power steering unit. I may have misunderstood what you needed. On our car it was simply just the computer module that needed replacement and had malfunctioned. There was no noise when we turned, it simply just stopped working.
Tell us more of your symptoms. Are the wheels and tires stock for the car? Is the car lowered?Noise when turning is more likely rubbing from oversized tires or lowering the suspension causing the front tires to rub on the inner fender well.

As Understudy has mentioned, the EPS control module is the most often cause of EPS failures. This is usually covered under a Honda recall (listed for the 1997 and later models, but worked for my 1995). This failure causes the electric boost to stop and the EPS light to come on.HTH.
Hi All,

To futher elaborate, the car is not lowered but has aftermarket wheels (correct size for +1). The EPS light is not on, however an inspection was done by the dealer an they stated that the "rack" needed replacement. That part for the entire EPS rack is about $5000 (not a misprint).

So in a nutshell, there is noise when you turn the steering wheel in either direction. Hope this helps clarify. Just want to know what my options are if I decide to buy this car.

1). if I diable the EPS, will the noise go away and will it behave like a '91 without power steering?

2). if I can find a used EPS "rack," how painful would it be to install this myself (i consier myself a novice mechanic - can do brakes and suspension, but not a timing belt)?

Thanks again,
I am unable to diagnose your problem as stated. There is nothing "special" about the EPS rack vs. the standard rack except the addition of the electic booster motor. I am not sure what they could tell from a visual inspection, except for ball joint/rod end/etc leakage or binding.

When does the noise happen? While turning, at the end of the turn, etc. Does it happen when the car is stationary and while moving, or just while moving? What size are the front tires?
ncdogdoc said:
I am unable to diagnose your problem as stated. There is nothing "special" about the EPS rack vs. the standard rack except the addition of the electic booster motor. I am not sure what they could tell from a visual inspection, except for ball joint/rod end/etc leakage or binding.

When does the noise happen? While turning, at the end of the turn, etc. Does it happen when the car is stationary and while moving, or just while moving? What size are the front tires?

i got this problem as well....do u know how to fix it??

got the sound when i turn the steering in stationary
I've been told the only fix for this is replacing the entire EPS rack. That's why i'm trying to gauge the difficulty or seee it there is a way to repair the unit. Otherwise, I wonder if the "electronic" part can be disabled and just use the car without power steering.

Bill_C said:
I've been told the only fix for this is replacing the entire EPS rack. That's why i'm trying to gauge the difficulty or seee it there is a way to repair the unit. Otherwise, I wonder if the "electronic" part can be disabled and just use the car without power steering.


i think u r right...that is only one way to do it......

unplug the EPS fuse...then everything can fix.....
$5000 is alot. How differnt is it from the Legend? (I think the Legend is front wheel drive...)

If you can find one, its a real easy install. You could do it yourself with probably 2 wrenches and about 3 beers. :biggrin:

You could always opt for the easy way out and get rid of it, but youre going to need to take a few parts out to make it run succesfully. (as previously stated)
Lady Six said:
$5000 is alot. How differnt is it from the Legend? (I think the Legend is front wheel drive...)

If you can find one, its a real easy install. You could do it yourself with probably 2 wrenches and about 3 beers. :biggrin:

You could always opt for the easy way out and get rid of it, but youre going to need to take a few parts out to make it run succesfully. (as previously stated)

so your meaning is ......... Legend one is same as NSX one??


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nsx000 said:
so your meaning is ......... Legend one is same as NSX one??

I was just thinking out loud...in text. Im pretty sure its not, but it may be similar enough to help.

Does the whole rack need to be replaced or just a certain part?
These two steering racks are not even close. NSX is electric, Legend is hydrualic. I would not classify this as a "really easy" installation. You will need to swap the unit, wiring, etc.


So why do you think you need a rack? Please explain the "noise"??

Hi Larry,

I wish I could describe the "noise," but I can't (it's not my car - yet). I know it happens when the car is stationary as well as lower speeds. That combined with the Acura dealers PPI is the reason why I need it replaced or repaired.

Bill_C said:
Hi Larry,

I wish I could describe the "noise," but I can't (it's not my car - yet). I know it happens when the car is stationary as well as lower speeds. That combined with the Acura dealers PPI is the reason why I need it replaced or repaired.


i have sound in stationary when i turn my steering

BUT after start to drive ....no more sound...everything is perfect...

is that all 91" NSX have this common problem for the power steering rack????????
I have not done this personally yet(have not had an NSX with this problem), but I have been told that if you regrease the rack it will be cured. Again, my source is reliable, but I have not done it first hand.


My recommendation is to negotiate as much as you can off the price, then have the rack regreased vs. replacement and see where you land. I would be surprised if it is not cured with the grease.

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Thanks Larry, I hope you and your source is right. If anything it is definitely worth a shot before I consider replacing the entire assembly.

Just want to share my experience with EPS on my '91 NSX.
I had the EPS computer/speed sensor replaced when the car was about 10 years old with 30000 miles. It was not cheap as the module was from the factory. Since then, I encountered a clicking sound with the steering which I believed is due to the steering rack being aged.. my X has about 40000 miles now. In between the EPS lite came on and the problem was the motor inside the rack. Acura recommended a complete replacement of the rack which is about US$ 4000 plus labor. A technican, non- Honda, dismantled the rack and fixed the module/motor inside and the car been running fine. Although on sharp turn with 16 R rims in front, there is still the clicking noise, though intermittent, and the steering feel slightly vague which I again bleieved is age.
Recently i had the complete rack re-built for US$ 600.. the problem of the vagueness went away, the feel is almost like when the car was new.

Therefore, unless the EPS lite is on, I do not think the rack need to be replaced. BTW, there is no fluid leak of course. My X is 14/5 years old, two areas that are always a problem.. EPS/ALB..

Also recently i have to replace the cable reel again after two years. It short out the horn and the cruise control. Not sure if there is an inherent problem with the wiring, or quality of the part.
Hi Pacacu,

Thanks for the info- this sounds like the exact same problem. It's reassuring that the unit can actually be rebuilt. Can you tell me how you went about finding someone to rebuid it? I would like to explore this option, but I don't think a typical mechanic can do this (or can they?)

Hey Bill_C,

Unless you want to send it to Hong Kong, you may need another source;):biggrin: :biggrin: .

the repair took 3 days and most NSXs in Hk had that done at the shop called HK Motoring. They also done several '02 headlite conversions and service most exotic. Prices reasonable and prompt. Had my Bose head unit fixed for US $ 150, replaced many condensors, chips etc. while I was quoted US$ 1000 for a replacement non-Bose unit. My 15 years old still original in all aspects.
Hi Pacacu,

When you get a chance, can you send me the address and phone # of the shop? I was actually in HK last year and my uncle-in law took me around the junkyards and actually found a few wrecked NSX's (my first time there, it was pretty cool). I want to see if I can locate a used rack there and see if I can have it rebuilt.

Larry B, any thoughts on a company that might be able to do this kind of work here is the US? I figure you may know of some folks :)
