EPS Electronic Power Steering

11 July 2008
I have a 99 NSX 6 speed with 44K miles. It recently threw the EPS light on the dash for the Electronic Power steering. I had read in some of the threads to pull the clock fuse for 10 seconds and the light would go off. That did work and restore the power steering, however after driving a few miles the light came on again, but the power steering still worked. I tried that several times, but the light keeps coming back on. Do you think I need a new module or could there be a less expensive problem?
id like to hear more about this clock fuse fix. Brian does it work? my car hit a pretty deep puddle, what is the worst case senario in terms of costs?
The light should clear with the next shut down-restart pulling the fuse just clears the stored trouble codes like the ECU. Worst case is a bad steering rack $2400. Pull the code and let us know, for me to fix it you need to see a 22 code.
Hi Brian
We (you ) tried fixing the the unitbut I think I need to replace the unit, you mention a $2400 can you give me a place to call. A new power streering cost a lot more


I just pulled a number off the top of my head, yes the steering rack goes for much more then $2400. What error code are you getting?
We (you ) tried fixing the the unitbut I think I need to replace the unit, you mention a $2400 can you give me a place to call. A new power streering cost a lot more
I would take it to one of the places in your area that specialize in NSX service. I know the OC is not the closest to LA proper, but there are two independent shops there that do a lot of NSX work:

Niguel Motors

Note that anyone who has not yet done so should talk with Briank to make sure it's the mechanical stuff (e.g. rack) and not the electronics that need fixing. If it's the electronics, Briank refurbishes those at a small fraction of the cost of buying new parts.