Engineering related jobs in Europe??

30 January 2006
Richmond, BC
Hello to fellow European prime members,

I am looking to temporarily relocate late next spring (job related) and would just like to get some opinions from some of you, doesn't necessarily have to be from an Engineer, but all of you. As I have never been to Europe before, and this stay would be a couple of months, I am trying to decide which country I would like to go to, with the following priorities:

[I would like to add the 0th priority of MANY PRIME MEMBERS! :biggrin: ]
1) Competitive high-tech industry (not to mention Germany is high on the list, but are open to other options)
2) Ease of travel (as I will be doing a lot of travelling during the time)
3) Average cost of living

I guess that would make the list for now, nothing else I am really concerned about so far. All feedbacks apprciated. Thanks so much in advance. Looking forward to hear from you all. :wink:

What kind of high-tech industry are you looking for? What type of engineer?
Switzerland has high average costs of living. (and a lot of NSX owners :D) but it's beautiful here. Engineering might be possible, depends on the kind of. Of what I've may heard is Finland or Irland as engineering upcomming centres.
goldNSX said:
What kind of high-tech industry are you looking for? What type of engineer?
Switzerland has high average costs of living. (and a lot of NSX owners :D) but it's beautiful here. Engineering might be possible, depends on the kind of. Of what I've may heard is Finland or Irland as engineering upcomming centres.
I do not know a whole lot about the availability of engineering positions in europe, but to my understanding most are not manufacturing related, am I correct? I am quite flexible on which industry to work in. I am currently in a Software Development company but I am able to do work related to Electrical/Mechanical Engineering (manufacturing or R&D doesn't matter), Optical Physics research (Universities or industrial research facilities; quite popular recently), Telecommunications (Field Test Engineer would be my favorite, as I get to TRAVEL!!), etc.

Thanks for feedbacks,