Engine hatch difficult to close...

29 December 2006
Las Vegas, NV
My engine hatch is difficult to close. I literally have to slam it down for it to lock into the latch. Is there a way to adjust so I won't have to slam it; I'm afraid I might just break the glass closing the hatch down.

Set it down and press on the glass above the latch until it clicks (see page 94 of the Owner's Manual). Don't slam it!!!

Same goes for the trunk, BTW. Set it down, press down under spoiler above latch until it clicks (don't slam, don't press down on spoiler...page 42).
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Mine requires a very firm press downward to click closed, slamming not required
My engine hatch is difficult to close. I literally have to slam it down for it to lock into the latch. Is there a way to adjust so I won't have to slam it; I'm afraid I might just break the glass closing the hatch down.

My gawd, please go trade your NSX in for a Ford/Chevy or something equally crude.

Slowly lower item (trunk, hatch, hood, etc...) and push it gently shut.

The NSX is about precision and finesse: you don't SLAM anything on this car. Everything fits together excellently without fuss. How little research did you do before buying your car?

My gawd, please go trade your NSX in for a Ford/Chevy or something equally crude.
How little research did you do before buying your car?
Don't be a jerk. I appreciate that he asked because now he (and others reading this thread who slam(med)) will now refrain.

Slowly lower item (trunk, hatch, hood, etc...) and push it gently shut.
I disagree with the (front) hood. I wouldn't push it closed as it requires more force than the hatch or trunk and I don't want to scratch/dent it from the contact.

I let it drop from the height necessary for gravity to generate enough downward speed/force to fully close/latch it (page 98 says "lower the hood about halfway down and let the hood drop").
Craig (latzke) is correct. All three require a slightly different technique.

On the hood, I drop mine from a height of about one foot (which is more than halfway down) and it latches properly.

On the engine compartment hatch, I lower it gently, then press directly above the latch in the center. As Gil (coolnsx) correctly notes, it usually requires quite a bit of pressure to latch. This is normal.

On the trunk lid, I lower it gently, then press directly above the latch in the center rear of the lid (NOT on the spoiler). It requires only light pressure there to latch.
I've been "slamming" my engine hatch for 10 years!I'm more dainty with the rear and front.As for my lambo doors,well I just let gravity do its' thing.:tongue:
When I had the stock engine cover, I always let it down and then pressed downward to click it closed. Now that I have a mesh engine cover, it just pretty much slams closed if you aren't careful. I am always careful with it but I wonder if someone were to not knowingly let it slam closed from the upper position, is there a possibility of the glass shattering? Has anyone ever experienced or heard of that ?
Sorry I am not as superior as you are... I guess I will never be worthy of owning anything more than a 78 Ford/Chevy PU. Anyone want to take my NSX from me? :rolleyes:

I thought the NSX community was extremely close, helpful, and friendly out of any car community I've been to. But now I guess it'll just become another honda/acura community filled with immature 15 years old.

I asked a very simple question... I know that for the trunk you lower it and push down on the trunk (not the spoiler). The hood, I let go about a foot and a half and itl'l shut nicely. My engine hatch however, I've tried to lower it and just push it locked but it won't. So I was just wondering if my latch or something can be adjusted.

Thank you to those that are more mature, I guess I need to apply more pressure when pressing down, or check my struts. :wink:

My gawd, please go trade your NSX in for a Ford/Chevy or something equally crude.

Slowly lower item (trunk, hatch, hood, etc...) and push it gently shut.

The NSX is about precision and finesse: you don't SLAM anything on this car. Everything fits together excellently without fuss. How little research did you do before buying your car?

I thought the NSX community was extremely close, helpful, and friendly out of any car community I've been to. But now I guess it'll just become another honda/acura community filled with immature 15 years old.

Prime has all types. A few folks can be jerks and spout off before thinking what they're typing. Don't take it to heart. You'll find good advice here, a huge knowledge resource and, for the most part, members who are courteous and helpful.

BTW, the first NSX I test drove I thought something was wrong with both the engine and trunk latch. I thought the owner was going to crap a brick:eek: as I tried to slam each one shut...guess I've spent too many years drive'n American iron :biggrin:
Im a bit confused?????? With my engine hatch, when I get to about 4 inches from the latch I let go and the hatch closes and locks. I never have to push on it to make it latch. Does this mean my shocks are going out? I also have the CF engine cover but it uses the factory engine hatch seal. If you have a stock engine cover maybe at some point someone replaced the seal with a new one and it just hasn't soften up?? possible? Im worried about my shocks:confused:
Don't be a jerk. I appreciate that he asked because now he (and others reading this thread who slam(med)) will now refrain.

You are correct: I apologize.

I will NEVER mention NSX and a Chevy (or Ford) in the same sentence...that was totally out of line.

On a serious note: I suspect you were over articulating about slamming so hard you were about to "destroy the rear hatch", you should consider my comments to be the same: An over articulated rebuke.

Have a better one

/One wonders how far one actually gets in the world with such thin skin.
Yup. It's also possible that the rubber seal on your carbon fiber engine hatch isn't the same thickness or condition as the stock ones are.

actually when you order the CF engine cover, the seal is carried over from the stock cover. Maybe the point of where it connects too is lower than the stock attaching point.
Im a bit confused?????? With my engine hatch, when I get to about 4 inches from the latch I let go and the hatch closes and locks. I never have to push on it to make it latch.

One of the Ottawa area NSX guys here has a 2004 NSX that has the same behaviour. I thought it was an intentional improvement over my 1991 model. I'm hearing that's not the case?
Im a bit confused?????? With my engine hatch, when I get to about 4 inches from the latch I let go and the hatch closes and locks. I never have to push on it to make it latch. Does this mean my shocks are going out?
Doubt it. Lack of upward force is different than presence of significant downward force. In my experience the shocks will raise and hold open the hatch only if you've opened it 1/2-2/3rds yourself (and below that it will drop if you release it).

If you have a stock engine cover maybe at some point someone replaced the seal with a new one and it just hasn't soften up?? possible?
I've close the hatch on many NSXs with stock hatches that had not been touched (original seal). Needing to push down is the norm, being able to latch it with drop from 4" is not.

I'm thinking maybe the CF cover you have, while using the OEM seal strip, is possibly of a slightly-different dimention...or maybe someone adjusted your latch up (thinking that something was wrong when it didn't latch closed with ease).
I'm thinking maybe the CF cover you have, while using the OEM seal strip, is possibly of a slightly-different dimention...or maybe someone adjusted your latch up (thinking that something was wrong when it didn't latch closed with ease).

I didn't relize the latch was adjustable. I'll check tonight. It closes with such ease that I really don't even know if its making contact with the seal.
Nice post EXCELLON. I've been "slamming" my engine cover for the past 2 years and never considered pressing hard when it is nearly in the latched position. I will try this the next time I get access to the car.
Nice post EXCELLON. I've been "slamming" my engine cover for the past 2 years and never considered pressing hard when it is nearly in the latched position. I will try this the next time I get access to the car.

I tried it last night, you have to press it pretty hard for it to latch but I guess its better than slamming it. :biggrin: