Engine Covers


Experienced Member
31 October 2010
Saskatchewan, Canada
The fuzzy material on my engine cover has started to disintegrate and fall off, so I used a scrub brush and removed the biggest part of it. But my question is, has anyone tried recovering an engine cover and where can you get this type of material???
The fuzzy material on my engine cover has started to disintegrate and fall off, so I used a scrub brush and removed the biggest part of it. But my question is, has anyone tried recovering an engine cover and where can you get this type of material???

Don't think you're going to have too much luck there. I removed my engine cover entirely and that exposes a lot of wires etc. Consequently, I had a custom made engine cover that exposes the engine and at the same time covers the wires. It's only a few inches wide but covers the wires while having the engine exposed. I'll try to post some photos.
I wire wheeled all the fuzz off with my drill. The plastic underneath is pretty tough. Then I spray canned it a flat black. Looks great and the paint blended in nicely. Took a couple hours.

I think a great alternative to flat black paint would be the spray can bed liner/inner fender liner stuff because the texture of the cover's plastic would match to the spray's texture.
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If I recall correctly, the fuzzy material is called flock. If you do a search on it on Prime, you should find a thread on it. I remember reading about it over 2 years ago and a member redoing his engine cover and inside center compartment
I did a thing similar to FogCityNSX a few years ago. I used a hand-held wire brush and took all the flock off by hand, then sanded it smooth, then painted the engine cover using black wrinkle paint.

Looks ok. If I had to do it all over (and some day I actually may), I'd put the wrinkle paint on thicker so it is more consistent. The wrinkle look is a little uneven. To do it really right requires 3-4 cans of paint. It needs to be put on really thick, JUST short of starting to run.

I did it in July in South Florida and set it out in the hot sun, since the wrinkle effect works best if it is heated while drying.

Flat black or satin would look really good without the complexities of dealing with the wrinkle finish.
EAC yeah I thought the same thing, I didnt do it cuz I dont know if the speaker carpet would catch fire as the engine heat is high.

so I did the same as the rest wire brushed it all off. then rattle canned it flat black looks great. but when it gets dirty cant clean it. just keep adding layers of flat black YUKK.. thats my next project though

doing the speaker carpet fix.

but you guys said there are wires inside of it what do you mean? for added strength and shape? there isnt any power going into it so what do you guys mean?
EAC yeah I thought the same thing, I didnt do it cuz I dont know if the speaker carpet would catch fire as the engine heat is high.

so I did the same as the rest wire brushed it all off. then rattle canned it flat black looks great. but when it gets dirty cant clean it. just keep adding layers of flat black YUKK.. thats my next project though

doing the speaker carpet fix.

but you guys said there are wires inside of it what do you mean? for added strength and shape? there isnt any power going into it so what do you guys mean?

I think they're talking about the wiring harness etc etc in the engine bay itself.
Don't think you're going to have too much luck there. I removed my engine cover entirely and that exposes a lot of wires etc. Consequently, I had a custom made engine cover that exposes the engine and at the same time covers the wires. It's only a few inches wide but covers the wires while having the engine exposed. I'll try to post some photos.

Hello, have pics of your engine cover? I will try to transform my engine cover with transparent parts but, it is necessary to protect from UV rays wire, the cables and the tank water cooling, it would be well to show your achievements… thank you very much:smile: