Engine cover mod for CTSC

I thought you could always use the stock cover with a CTSC? Was that only for 91-94??
It is the T-top original cover/holder that wouldn't work with the CTSC. Comptech supplies a fiberglass/cloth top holder/engine cover when it is to be used on a 95 and newer T.
It is the T-top original cover/holder that wouldn't work with the CTSC. Comptech supplies a fiberglass/cloth top holder/engine cover when it is to be used on a 95 and newer T.
And you are the lucky SOG that got the LAST Comptech modifying kit for the stock cover!!! :D
Whatever happened to markb and his write up on how to modify the engine cover for the ctsc.

I called comptech and they want a stupid amount of
Money for it.

Does anyone still have a copy of the original Comptech modifying instructions and/or parts list/pics?

I got the last kit and it was just a few molded pieces that required cutting the stock holder. I had no instructions and the design was more of a patch job than a production based kit. It didn't work that well and there is only so much space between the blower and the rear glass to sandwich everything. At the time, comptech told me that installers (which could have been anyone who bought the kit) had issues with cutting/measuring and ruining covers, that they decided to discontinue the modifying kits. The replacement holder they offer now is a much better alternative. MarkB's way of doing it is ultimately the way I decided to modify mine.
John :biggrin:

PS - The link I posted was the same one you found and I'm not sure what happpened with my link.
Anytime, how happy are you with your MarkB-style cover? Any rattles or other issues? Pics?

PS: I "cleaned up" the mirror dir - please refer to the revised link from now on. Other CTSC-related docs can be found HERE. Thanks.