Electronic Issues

7 June 2002
In The Middle
Yesterday while driving my car, I would get the tach and some instrument lights going of and on.. The Volt meter and tach and instrumentation lights would come and go as it pleased all other worked fine.. At one time the car even went into limp mode and stalled.

No check engine light or anything...
What I was able to check, the battery cables are secure at the battery and alternator seemed to be charging.
I have not been able to check for any fuses being shorted or anthing.. Most of the time my tubo timer and boost controller showed fine and seemed to be working fine... The last time the car stalled they were out power wise.. The lights brighten up as I turn the ignition key only to become dim, also the Seatbelt alarm goes off occasionally while this was happening...
I am wondering if it is in the igniton switch.
I have a Electromotive Tec3r that runs some of the items (Don't know exactly which)...

If any of you electronic gurus have a punch list, I would appreciate it...

The Battery is about a year old....

Thanks in advance
Thanks Brian, that is a first check when I get home...

Check the ground cable termination on the front bulkhead ground point.
Consider replacing the ground cable if it is badly oxidized.
D'Ecosse said:
Check the ground cable termination on the front bulkhead ground point.
Consider replacing the ground cable if it is badly oxidized.

Thanks Ken...
Also one of the firsts to check....

Appreciate it...

MiamieNeSeX said:
Also check the + connection on the alternator, I had the same issues .


Due to lacking the enzyme to properly breakdown Alcohol, I have been practicing teetotalism pretty much all of my life...:smile: only thing is, I do it without drinking tea as well....

Now the car, It's an Alcoholic... :biggrin: A severe drinking habit... AA will not/can not help...

Designated Driver
Ken, Armando, Brian K, man you all were pretty much on.. Believe it or not, there were loose connections at a few different points...:eek: Wake up call to me, be a little more preventive and attentive.

Also Ken, I saw your post on another thread about the posts.. I plan on replacing them as well.
Now All need to do is pinpoint the true problem.
I think I will order the ignition switch and have it on standby, It would be cheap insurance against further down time, and who knows I may need it later...

I will no go through and check all fuses and terminals, connection points, I need to make sure that all is well..

What do you guys think about the Grounding systems that are out there?

len3.8 said:
What do you guys think about the Grounding systems that are out there?



I have read up on the aftermarket grounding systems and they do not seem to have to many pluses when it comes to the NSX.

MiamieNeSeX said:

I have read up on the aftermarket grounding systems and they do not seem to have to many pluses when it comes to the NSX.


Aramando, that is what I have been reading into them as well. I am looking for something that will maintain that voltage, not worried about the power (HP) attributes, Just want to make sure the Aquamist and Boost controller are getting all the power that they need.
Don't need anymore catastrophic events...

By the way, I go under the knife next month.....:frown:

len3.8 said:
Aramando, that is what I have been reading into them as well. I am looking for something that will maintain that voltage, not worried about the power (HP) attributes, Just want to make sure the Aquamist and Boost controller are getting all the power that they need.
Don't need anymore catastrophic events...

I would think having the Tec 3 maintain constant power would be more effective as it controls bothg the Aquamist and the Boost controller right?

len3.8 said:
By the way, I go under the knife next month.....:frown:


Im glad you were finally cleared by the psychologists, don't worry sex change operations are very simple these days :)

Quote from BrianK:
Very profitable Snake Oil IMHO

I am leaning against, with some of the same thoughts as you all and the other threads...

Quote from Armando...
Im glad you were finally cleared by the psychologists, don't worry sex change operations are very simple these days :smile:

So you are healing from yours pretty well?
How does it feel to finally have some balls?
Did the skin graft hurt?
You must be really sore...:biggrin:

I am just getting a Penile reduction...Hard to find good jeans, really hard to find contraceptives.....:biggrin: