Yesterday while driving my car, I would get the tach and some instrument lights going of and on.. The Volt meter and tach and instrumentation lights would come and go as it pleased all other worked fine.. At one time the car even went into limp mode and stalled.
No check engine light or anything...
What I was able to check, the battery cables are secure at the battery and alternator seemed to be charging.
I have not been able to check for any fuses being shorted or anthing.. Most of the time my tubo timer and boost controller showed fine and seemed to be working fine... The last time the car stalled they were out power wise.. The lights brighten up as I turn the ignition key only to become dim, also the Seatbelt alarm goes off occasionally while this was happening...
I am wondering if it is in the igniton switch.
I have a Electromotive Tec3r that runs some of the items (Don't know exactly which)...
If any of you electronic gurus have a punch list, I would appreciate it...
The Battery is about a year old....
Thanks in advance
No check engine light or anything...
What I was able to check, the battery cables are secure at the battery and alternator seemed to be charging.
I have not been able to check for any fuses being shorted or anthing.. Most of the time my tubo timer and boost controller showed fine and seemed to be working fine... The last time the car stalled they were out power wise.. The lights brighten up as I turn the ignition key only to become dim, also the Seatbelt alarm goes off occasionally while this was happening...
I am wondering if it is in the igniton switch.
I have a Electromotive Tec3r that runs some of the items (Don't know exactly which)...
If any of you electronic gurus have a punch list, I would appreciate it...
The Battery is about a year old....
Thanks in advance