Electrical Schematics


Page 1336 - go to the box at the bottom that highlights the "xxx of 1379" and type in 1336 - this page is the index for the wiring diagrams. Normally you would just add the section page onto the 1336, but because the wiring diagrams are fold-outs it doesn't quite work that way, so you just have to use the order of the schematics from the index as a guide - a "2x" the actual section is an approximation;
i.e. Stereo is page 10 & it is on page 1354 ~ = [1336 + (2 x 10)]; the actual section number is printed at the top of the page however so you know you're on the right diagram!

Hope this helps.

(edit for typo)

[This message has been edited by D'Ecosse (edited 20 January 2003).]