ecu error codes

19 February 2002
Atlanta, GA
Ok I found out how to retrieve the error codes from the faq, but where do I find out what they mean? Any help would be appreciated, I'm freaking out since my Check Engine light just came on.
Look in the fuel system section of the service manual. They tell you what each one means and provide a diagnostic procedure on what to do next.

Don't ask me why it's in the fuel system section though.
Thanks Ken found it. Now the only problem is I don't get any error codes. I jumped the wires, turned the ingnition to on (did not start it) but the engine light doesn't blink or stay on. If I take off the jumper and start it up, the engine light still comes on. Should I reset the ecu and see if it happens again?
Originally posted by hendu:
Now the only problem is I don't get any error codes. I jumped the wires, turned the ingnition to on (did not start it) but the engine light doesn't blink or stay on. If I take off the jumper and start it up, the engine light still comes on.

That's weird. If you're jumping the wires properly, the light should give you the blinks as noted in the service manual to denote the codes. I've found sometimes it doesn't work because I'm not applying sufficient pressure with my special makeshift jumper cable tool (also known as a paper clip). But as long as you've got a MIL (CEL), and you're leaving the car (accessory position) on long enough (i.e. don't immediately shut it off), you should be able to see the blinking codes.

Originally posted by hendu:
Should I reset the ecu and see if it happens again?

Hmmm... I don't know, I suppose so.
Looks like you were right, I didn't have the paper clip making good contact. I got 4 long blinks and 2 short ones which, if I understand correctly, is a 42 which is a problem in the heating circuit of the rear oxygen sensor, so that doesn't sound too bad. So now I have one more question since you seem very familiar with the service manual, where can I find out the location of all the connectors. It seems to designate them by number then a letter, a 4P in this case, but the picture next to it isn't exactly telling me much. BTW thanks a bunch Ken I made an appointment with the dealer on Monday, but I wouldn't have been able to sleep until then if I didn't atleast figure out something.
No prob.

Originally posted by hendu:
where can I find out the location of all the connectors.

There's a section called Connector and Wire Harness Routing in the Electrical section of the Service Manual, starting on page 23-15 of the '91 manual.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 22 June 2002).]
Thanks again. Looks like the dealer wants over $200 for an o2 sensor plus labor I'm sure. Any reason I shouldn't buy one online for like $80-$90?
Originally posted by hendu:
Thanks again. Looks like the dealer wants over $200 for an o2 sensor plus labor I'm sure. Any reason I shouldn't buy one online for like $80-$90?

The oxygen sensor can be a MAJOR pain to remove from the manifold. The sensors are expensive from Acura but if you’re a club member you can get a discount at Niello Acura (916) 344-6300 (ask for Eric Milam in parts). I’m not sure if the $80-90 sensors available online are the same as the Acura ones…I’d be a little skeptical.
