eBay rip-offs


Legendary Member
31 October 2001
St. Louis, MO
I have been looking around for an ATV, so a logical place I thought to check-out was eBay. Good God, if you thought that there were problems with bogus car sales on eBay, check-out some of the ATV for sale ads. Better than half are completly bogus. Makes eBay worthless as a source for an ATV.
I have found this on many different items from laptops to pool cues.

Ebay had better do something to stop this quick or they are going to be in big trouble soon.
KGP, correct. Looking for a Honda Pilot (ATV) myself. There are so many fake items it's a shame. It's getting harder to tell what is real and what isn't.
len3.8 said:
Looking for a Honda Pilot (ATV) myself.
Ooo, Pilots are fun stuff. Actually, I'd like one also, but some of the ATV parks in MO don't allow them (i.e., Finger Lakes). Len, I did see a pristine Pilot for sale when doing some searching last night. Looked like the real deal. I'll check back and let you know.

Did I tell you that some freinds of mine go out to Glamis on a routine basis? Last trip they ran into a sand buggy that FX had installed an NSX turbo'd engine in. My buddy said the guy could do wheelies the entire way down Oldsmobile Hill. :eek: :cool:
99% of the BMW X-5 wheel auctions are fraud too.

I am also looking for a backhoe to relandscape my lawn next spring. About 50% of the backhoe auctions are bogus as well.

I have had several high dollar transactions go flawlessly with e bay. However now I will not buy anything over 100-200 dollars that I can not pick up in person.

I think e bay is headed for some real trouble over the long term.
steveny said:
99% of the BMW X-5 wheel auctions are fraud too.

I am also looking for a backhoe to relandscape my lawn next spring. About 50% of the backhoe auctions are bogus as well.

I have had several high dollar transactions go flawlessly with e bay. However now I will not buy anything over 100-200 dollars that I can not pick up in person.

I think e bay is headed for some real trouble over the long term.

I agree with you, I am trying to come up creative ideas to ensure they really have the item. Such as take a picture of the unit with your hand on the left side. It is amazing how many people will come up with for excuses that they can't accomplish this.

I truly believe ebay is going to start hurting soon if they don't find some way to verify their listings.
Carguy! said:
I agree with you, I am trying to come up creative ideas to ensure they really have the item. Such as take a picture of the unit with your hand on the left side. It is amazing how many people will come up with for excuses that they can't accomplish this.

I truly believe ebay is going to start hurting soon if they don't find some way to verify their listings.

If e bay does anything differently they will have to charge more for their service. Add this to the shipping cost and impending "internet sales tax" and e bay is out of business.
steveny said:
If e bay does anything differently they will have to charge more for their service. Add this to the shipping cost and impending "internet sales tax" and e bay is out of business.

I disagree, usually on most higher ticket items shipping is less than sales tax. I don't believe we will ever see "internet sales tax". I belive ebay could come up with a system where they have a voluntary system that allows someones address to be verified (similiar to Paypal) and also requires a credit card or some other form of identification. Once the seller has completed this all of their auctions would have a "verified" symbol and if you only bought items from this type of user you would be much more protected.

Ebay has flourished because they bring in buyers from all over the world to look at your merchandise. If they can get rid of the majority of the fake auctions I belive they will continue to do well.

I have a panasonic phone system that I purchased a couple of years ago that I love. I needed a couple of additional handsets and found out that they were no longer being sold, I checked on ebay and found them there for a great price. Where else could I find something like that? I would of payed much more if I had to because I have quite a bit of money invested in this system and it works great so if the fees went up some it wouldn't hurt these type of sales at all.

I hope ebay works out their problems, but if not I am sure someone else will take over to reach this market.
Carguy! said:
I belive ebay could come up with a system where they have a voluntary system that allows someones address to be verified (similiar to Paypal) and also requires a credit card or some other form of identification.
They already have this ability, but choose not to employ it for eBay membership. Remember, eBay owns PayPal. ;)

Although I have been out of the PayPal loop for a while, I have to believe that bogus sales on eBay that are funded through PayPal are resulting in some serious VISA/MC heat. As chargebacks increase, VISA/MC will force them to do something, else they will be penalized severely, possibly jepordizing their merchant account.

Darn shame to see all the bogus activity on eBay. The scammers are seriously reducing its value, and I have to believe that eBay is not ignorant to the fact that they must do something.
Internet sales tax may not be right around the corner but its on its way. After all how will "WE" pay for the policing of spam e mails and pop up windows.

If I had a multi-billon dollar company making sure my customers were not being pilfered would be my first priority. Unfortunately just about any solution would bring a new round of criminals out of the woodwork.