Ebay newbie question

I normally disclose my reserve if asked but I have not sold anything over a $500. As long as you have good activity, bidding by 2 bidders they can bid it up to the reserve. If you only have one person bidding they will not make the reserve. Also look at each bidders feed back if they ask for the reserve, the number and what they buy because there are lots of bidders and lots less buyers. Real buyers will ask what the reserve is and not bid until the last 10 sec of the auction.
If you know how much $ you want, tell them. Holding off hoping that you will get more than you're looking for wont happen, trust me it's ebay.

You might loose a serious buyer who is ready to by now.
OK thanks, I will disclose my reserve. Follow up question: I have received an email from someone local who has seen the ad and wants to deal right away. Would this be unfair to the current bidders?
Yes it would not be the best to sell it outside of Ebay unless you stated that it is for sale locally and that you have reserved the right to end the auction for a local sale. But you don't have a buy it now so it's not done till the auction ends. In general a local buyer is just a looker until they put up the money so unless your local guy comes up with the reserve amount in cash which is unlikelly leave it on Ebay.
hlweyl said:
OK thanks, I will disclose my reserve. Follow up question: I have received an email from someone local who has seen the ad and wants to deal right away. Would this be unfair to the current bidders?

I believe you can end the auction anytime you wish for whatever reason you feel. I think you can even bid on your own auction once.
I once had a serious offer for one of my items where the buyer wanted me to end it early. As I had no bids as yet, I was ok with it, but did it within the rules. I edited my ad and added a buy it now option in the amount the buyer wanted to pay. Not sure if you can do this after you have received a bid, but the system will walk you through, and let you know if you can't.
This still gives you the protection through eBay on the transaction.
Remember most serious buyers really bid their true maximun in the last few minutes of the auction. So if you sell it early you may miss out on a higher price.