Eastern Canada Vacation?

4 February 2000
Chicago IL
Warning: This inquiry is off topic regarding the NSX, but on-topic regarding Canada.

I've never been in Canada east of Quebec province, and I've been wondering whether this might make a nice vacation (during some time of year other than winter ;) ). I'm hoping folks here might have traveled there (or live there?) and be able to provide some insight. I've looked through the Canadian Tourism Commission website but they make every place sound wonderful, as most tourism websites do.

My interests tend towards civilization rather than nature - picturesque cities and towns, great food, interesting shopping (think handcrafted goods, rather than shopping malls or designer boutiques), etc. I'm not big on natural parks and such, although stunning natural vistas are nice. No camping, no beaches, no fishing, no golf - these things don't interest me at all.

It would probably be the two of us plus our two dogs; dog owners who have traveled there, feel free to comment. (I consider most places in the States to be reasonably dog-friendly, meaning that you can find hotels anywhere that allow dogs, even though more hotels prohibit them than allow them.)

I've already been to Toronto and Montreal and Quebec City, although they make convenient stops along the way.

So... what are the following places REALLY like, and how does each fit with my interests? Are they worth the long distance to travel there? Is it worth it to go the extra distance to go to the really far ones, like St. John's? Are there any cities/towns/sights that I don't name, that I should really consider as well?

QC: Gaspe peninsula
NB: Fredericton, Saint John
NS: Halifax, Cape Breton Island
PEI: Charlottetown
NF: St. John's

(Incidentally, for those who are thinking of recommending the other end of the country - I've been to Vancouver and absolutely LOVED it...)
I loved my visit to NF and Cape Breton, but I was doing the Park thing and did not spend too long in each location. Not that you couldnt occupy yourself, but most of the things we ended up doing related to outdoor touristy things. The swiming on Cape Breton was great as was the mountain biking. NF had tons of places to mountain bike also, but aside from the very interesting and historic city of St John's, there was little to really do aside from Gross Morne (sp?) National Park. St John's, what a great fun city full of wonderful people, but as a destination? Donno, could be a good few days at best. Thats a LONG way to go for a 10 days split between 3 or 4 spots. The scerery is amoungst the best you will ever see though.
Halifax is awesome. Everyone hangs out at pubs at night. The drive along the coast, I think it was called the Lighthouse Route was fantastic. Watching the fog roll over on to the island in the morning and watch the sun break was amazing. Golfing is also very nice if you're into that.