Easiest way to own a NSX

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It wasn't a grammar mistake it was a spelling mistake :P

"Grammar" includes spelling, mon ami. :)


1. the study of the way the sentences of a language are constructed; morphology and syntax.

Yes, grammar/syntax is more of how a sentence/phrase/etc. is constructed, but it's difficult to have great construction, when you've got missing pieces. :)

It's also "Kevin," not:

Charger R/T said:

Just had to pick on you a wee bit. :D


Resume the nonsense!
Come back Nick, we're getting bored.

But if your not going to come back then I suggest you go into the garage....find a chair and some rope.....and hang your sick child molesting ass. Sick fucks like you are a waste of flesh and resources.

Either keep posting.....or kill yourself. Either would be equally entertaining your sick fuck.

Sorry, peeps......I have no tolerance for sick shit like child molestation. Child rapists should be executed IMHO.
Any wagers (hehehe) as to whether Nick, Kevin, or some other alias will show up to post again or he, they are done?

I seriously doubt if Nick will post again. If he has half a brain, he won't.......uhh, err...you know what I mean. Everytime he opens his mouth he he gets owned again X's 2! With all the personal info that was posted, if it were me, I think I'd have contacted a lawyer the day after Christmas.

I'm surprised the admins haven't locked or deleted this thread as well. If not for liability sake, for bandwidth's sake. But, since it's not :biggrin:
Greetings from a forum in Norway, you can add http://www.diskusjon.no/index.php?showtopic=886794&hl= to the list (although it's Norwegian). I've just read every single page ... and it definately wasn't a waste of time, I would even nominate it for Pwnage of The Year 2007 :biggrin:

Oh well, I should try this online gaming thing, maybe it'll get me an NSX, lol!

Hey, by the way, Nick just called and told me he got a new car:
We are now officially in the news...



What is even better is that some of us were able to contact his NEIGHBORS through the white pages. I talked to a neighbor in one of his apartments, and he’s the brother in law of the manager! He said that they will kick him out asap, because they got calls from other neighbors who called him up as well! GREAT NEWS! Now he won’t molest any kids in that building, hopefully he’ll have to live under a bridge and won’t have time to spam his crap!

I read the comments on this story.... more ownage haha

not sure if someone else posted this earlier but if they did, i missed it
Originally Posted by LUD
I'm givin' her all she's got, Captain!

.............. In the meantime, maybe you could play some online poker... I hear it's a great way to win a lot of money.

I can't stop laughing at this. I tried twice today and couldn't get in, then I got this on the third try and knew right away why it was overloaded!

Awesome! I gotta hand it to ya, this is OWNAGE of the year!!!

And my, look how many new members joined!! :)
My two cents...Nick - you're a piece of filth!! Also, you can stop now - you have completed your task...YOU ARE A COMPLETE LOSER!! :eek:

good thread, havent seen ownage this big since that guido thread on sherdog, they had a million++ hits, that was insane.

but damn, this takes the cake. saying hello from www.Tremek.com a video viewing site for all cars.
You saw a link on my profile and thought this was a spam post? Get real.

Nick, you done slid down a razor blade into a pool of alcohol.:redface: Thanks again for the thrills!
Nobody better say anything about my gramma! :mad:

Well we already know and expect it to SUCK, so no biggy :biggrin:

The epic proportions of this thread astound me. Some of you might remember a thread on a Mazda forum of equal proportions, involving a man simply known as Copex. Copex welded fins on to his turbo and claimed better boost and spool...the thread took a very similar course of action with people from around the net checking in. I would like to be the first to congratulate all of you here on NSXPrime, you have surpassed Copex and his mad scientist hacked together turbo. This thread delivers.:smile:

I remember that, what a dork! lol

Hello from DVDtalk and Lotustalk!

http://www.lotustalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30674 Oil change shop drops Lotus off the lift.

I remember that too! That sucked for the owner! One hell of a fall!

My buddy had done that to a brand new Ford F350 Crewcab long bed 4x4 on a lift at the ford dealership. Receiver hitch dug a massive hole in the concrete!

This may be the last time I ever post on this site but I made sure to donate. You're right, Betty. Way more fun than a movie!!!

And we thank you kindly :) I've been here over a year going on 2 years soon and I've still been too poor to afford it since I bought the car! :eek:
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