Easiest way to own a NSX

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Do you think this has made it on the NAMBLA sites? (I don't know if those exist, but I am guessing they do).
People use Fake I.D.s to get cigs? Alcohol yeah, but cigs?

And so what if she had a fake ID. When she was grinding on him did he look her straight in the face and say "baby... can I see some ID?". Most likely he didn't give it a single thought and tapped it. Men don't think straight in those situations. Only enough blood for one brain to operate. Surprised that hasn't been used as a defense yet. "Your honor, I was mentally disabled at the time."

hey burlage, where in Cincinnati are ya? i grew up down there and still troll CSR and CSS as soullesssol.

Actually north of cincy near kings island.. I still troll csr never got into css at all.

We joined in on page 3 over at www.volksforum.com

must say we had ownage of ourselves but this is the first time i ever registered on another forum to join the fun:

to keep it VW related

and our thread:


i'll keep following this guys
Greetings and a Happy New Year from


The UK's most popular (although not the best) website dedicated to Subaru cars.

You NSX guys sure know how to own with a capital O. We've got a bunch of shysters, retards and perverts over on scoobynet, maybe you could send a posse over to lynch them?

Hey how're you guys doing? I'm not sure if my login still exists over there, but I do still post on SIDC occasionally. :)
ill have to look ya up sometime then burlage, i've always been a fan of NSXs but have never got more than 3 feet from one before the owner wigged out :(

Cool cool, Let me know when you will be in town I will take ya for a ride!
over 1000 visiters:eek: please leave 1.0 $ at the door:smile: So far seems like if a new slang term is to be coined for this level of ownage may as well be sitkowned.BTW if a girl of any age has to convince you she is of age,,just walk away....pdf file lol.
Simple! Play online spades, win $63k then bring that suitcase full of cash to your dealer.


Maybe what the F&F did for the Supra this thread will do for the NSX and it will take 2 suit case of cash now. MAYBE, just maybe now Honda will build a new NSX.
Cool cool, Let me know when you will be in town I will take ya for a ride!

you sir (or ma'am), are my hero (or heroine)...im usually down every other weekend or so, so i may be down next weekend if i can convince my mom to watch my son for me...lol

**edit** you can never be too careful with the internet
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you sir (or ma'am), are my hero (or heroine)...im usually down every other weekend or so, so i may be down next weekend if i can convince my mom to watch my son for me...lol

**edit** you can never be too careful with the internet

Its sittn in the garage! I havnt driven it since it started getting cold out. Just let me know I will take it out if its decent out.
Maybe what the F&F did for the Supra this thread will do for the NSX and it will take 2 suit case of cash now. MAYBE, just maybe now Honda will build a new NSX.

the new F&F will now have an NSX and a guy who is under house arrest for being a pedophile and can expunge his record by racing under the cover of a horrible webpage will be the "paul walker"...it can be called the fast and the pedofurious...
Hey how're you guys doing? I'm not sure if my login still exists over there, but I do still post on SIDC occasionally. :)

Login and try, the old webmaster at scoobynet was a bit of a control freak and went bezerk deleting old logins before flouncing off in a huff and leaving the place under new management.

SIDC is certainly the home of the true enthusiast.

Have to say I'm loving the way the rash actions of a spammer and sex pervert have brought together people from all over the world in unity. To laugh at him :D
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