Earthquake in Germany

9 December 2002
Buehlertal, Germany
Just experienced a shaking house in south west Germany - started with a 5-10 second lang shake at about 2.55 am CET and now - about 45 minutes later - a weaker shaking (afterquake?). First earthquake is reported to be 5.4 on the Richter scale with epicenter about 80 kilometers south of me - no visible damage yet.

Me and my tom cat had some kind of panic.
Take care of yourself!

And be aware of earthquake survival techniques. For example, take your cat, yourself, and the NSX to a big open field.

Seriously, take care.

Seit wann hat westen Europa ein Erdbeden gehabt? Ich habe von das nie gehört.

My german is not very good so I'll do it in english also.

Since when has western Europe had an earthquake? I've never heard of that.
Nothing was felt here... probably the center was very north!

Last week there was another similar earthquake in Northern Italy... what is happening? It seems the beninning of one of the many catastrophic movie! :p :p :p
MarkB said:
Since when has western Europe had an earthquake? I've never heard of that.

Mark, that's not that rare in that region. The last one was in february 2003 in the mountains of East France (Vosges) with 5.4 Richter scale that affected us too (epicenter about 160 km away frome me). In 1978 we had a big earthquake with 5.7 in the southwest of Germany with massive damages and even hurt people in a certain region (Albstadt).

The new earthquake left only some minor building damages which experts say is astonishing as the would have expected more after that violent shocks. Some say it has something to do with the quality and stability of buildings here (would have done much more harm in other regions of the world), some say the frequency of the shocks was "tender" for buildings.

The "afterquakes" tonight (I experienced one) didn't exceed 2.7 but I had really not much sleep.

You see a list of recent earthquakes in our region

It's not San Andreas here but very active too.
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Jep, scared the shit out of me. My first earthquake experience in my live. Funny thing my cat jumped into my bed and crawled under my bedspread. I think she was scared too ;-).
Ponyboy said:
Take care of yourself!
And be aware of earthquake survival techniques. For example, take your cat, yourself, and the NSX to a big open field.

Thanks Ponyboy - but our earthquake experts here say the opposite: In our region it would be safer to stay in the building because the greatest danger would be that outside you could be hit by falling roof or tree parts while heading for an open field.

The buildings here are claimed to be safe enough to withstand also bigger earthquakes. The geologists say that if the building would start to shake heavily we should crawl under a table so that nothing can fall on our head. Don't know if that really works - I guess I'll have to wait for an earthquake above Magnitude 6 to have a proof (not that I really want to prove it).

I also remember that at a safety training they told us to stay under an open door inside the apartment/house/office, because the door frame is normally the most resistant part of a wall (you often see destroyed walls where the door frames are still standing).
As those of us in California would say: "Ahh, foot massage." (Commercial joke)

Yes, door frames are the other "safer" place to be, due to the fact that they are built to support more weight (ie. the roof) and that the sections of the roof attached to the walls are less likely to fall. We're taught in school to get under tables or desks with our backs to windows, to avoid falling objects and broken glass.

-Patrick (earthquake veteran, 1989 Loma Prieta 7.1 magnatude, many others)
gheba_nsx said:
Nothing was felt here... probably the center was very north!

Last week there was another similar earthquake in Northern Italy... what is happening? It seems the beninning of one of the many catastrophic movie! :p :p :p

Northern italy and southern italy finally get sepperated..... :biggrin: :biggrin:
just kidding giuseppe