early xmas shopping for anime goodies

21 September 2000
Bellevue, WA, USA
Its that time of the year again and this time I'm not going to wait. I'm looking for some anime model sites. I found tons of sites on the net but very few of them list the availability of the items. Most of them don't say anything except for cost and description and most of the times they're outdated. I don't have time to contact them. Some of the sites I found are in Japan and they're cheaper (w/o shipping *ouch*.) I found some anime models in Seattle but they're pretty hefty.

So my question is do any of you anime-fan out there know any good sites where I can get macross & gundam models?

Worst come to worst, I'll just drive to Seattle and get them. :D

There is a U.S magazine called toyfare (spell?) that had good reviews and listings. There is a monthly book here in Japan that lists all the latest releases, you may be able to get it :) in an import store in the U.S. Its about an inch thick!
MRacer said:
So my question is do any of you anime-fan out there know any good sites where I can get macross & gundam models?

Worst come to worst, I'll just drive to Seattle and get them. :D

I'll always start out comparing prices at www.HLJ.com. Their website has pretty clear prices shown and stock availability. However, since the items are coming from Japan, shipping can get pretty pricey, especially on heavy and/or big items. Still, my experiences with them over the years have always been very positive, and I have no problems ordering with them in the future.

At the same time, with the prevalence of Macross and Gundam stuff, I'll still search through various means like eBay, local area (San Diego) shops, stores that I visit when I'm in the LA/OC area, and conventions (depending on time of year).

All things said, however, HLJ.com makes shopping easier, since it could potentially be a one-stop shopping avenue. Also, when combining items, the per item shipping price displayed for each item drops down some.
