E46 M3 vs NSX Revisited

Got any questions let me know I have both:biggrin:
Thanks for the post and the link :smile:

I've always had great respect for the capabilities of the BMW E46 M3. However, it's nice to read that, at least in the US, M3 owners have as much respect for the NSX. Seems that overhere, in Europe, the NSX is much more seen as a posers car.

Does the US M3 have the same 343 HP engine as the European one ??
Seems that overhere, in Europe, the NSX is much more seen as a posers car.

They who say it have small penises and need horsepower and macho-BMW/Mercedes'/Audi's to compensate for the small size. :biggrin:

I don't know, it depends on each country I guess. But I'm sure as the time goes by the status of the NSX will become "a classic".

Over here it gets some serious respect from those who has car as hobby. Some people talk crap, but as I said, they have small penis. Actually I put those crap-talkers in the posers-category....
Talking crap about other cars doesn't make you look any better than the people you complain about talking crap about your car. :rolleyes:

US Spec E46 M3 of course also got the great straight 6 but is rated with 333hp because of the adaption to the lower quality gas.

Thanks for the link pretty interesting.
Talking crap about other cars doesn't make you look any better than the people you complain about talking crap about your car. :rolleyes:

US Spec E46 M3 of course also got the great straight 6 but is rated with 333hp because of the adaption to the lower quality gas.

Thanks for the link pretty interesting.

I actually found out the lower rating is due to the US spec headers that put the cats right at the top of the headers next to the engine.
I want an NSX soooo bad and I currently have an E46 M3. They are so nice even though the interior is a little dated. I had an S2k before so that is why I am looking at the pride of Honda, the NSX. I read this somewhere "It's like a Ferrari but engineered by people who went to college."
The M3 and NSX are completely different cars. They are way too different to make a comparison. The only logic I see people comparing those 2 cars is that if someone had the money to afford either one which would they pick? And from there it becomes a never ending battle of trying to compare pros and cons about each car. All I have to say is drive both and let your true feelings make the decision for you.
Got any questions let me know I have both:biggrin:

Nice car combo. What do you use in the winter in Michigan BTW? I'll be in NY soon and am thinking the M3 will be useless in snow and NSX will just be a luxury as I don't think it could handle extreme weather. I'll respect your opinion not ony because of your vehicles but solid political takes in off-topic. Too bad most ppl don't have a clue.
The M3 is more then capable of driving in the snow because of the weight of the car, it just needs a good set of snow tires.
The M3 is more then capable of driving in the snow because of the weight of the car, it just needs a good set of snow tires.

The M3 is not Designed to be driven in the snow its RWD

Snow tires will be a night and day difference on whatever car you put them on.

For instance I have a Audi TT Quattro AWD with out snow tires the thing sucks, but with snows its unstoppable it claws threw the snow.
The M3 is not Designed to be driven in the snow its RWD

Snow tires will be a night and day difference on whatever car you put them on.

For instance I have a Audi TT Quattro AWD with out snow tires the thing sucks, but with snows its unstoppable it claws threw the snow.

It may be rwd but it also has a lot of technology, I've driven my M3 through Canada during blizzard season and I had no problems with blizzak lm-22's on a feat which I've also done in a toyota matrix which also had snow tires on. If you asked me to pick which vehicle I would choose to brave another Canadian blizzard it would be the M3 hands down due to the weight and technology.

Nice car combo. What do you use in the winter in Michigan BTW? I'll be in NY soon and am thinking the M3 will be useless in snow and NSX will just be a luxury as I don't think it could handle extreme weather. I'll respect your opinion not ony because of your vehicles but solid political takes in off-topic. Too bad most ppl don't have a clue.

I actually drive the S2000 with snow tires:biggrin: You can drive anything with snow tires. They use a lot of salt in Michigan and as an M3 owner you know what the paint is like on these cars ( Love the blue on your car by the way ). I can look at at my black M3 and a scratch will appear..LoL so I do drive it in winter with all seasons ,but wait for nicer days. What's really funny is that the snow tires I'm using for the S2000 were snow tires that I bought for the NSX. The 06 and up S2000's have a great VSA system. It's so good I don't even need to do second gear starts. It's a great system. I wish Honda had put it on the NSX.

Thanks for the vote of confidence! haha just a little political side humor there:wink:
"The M3 is not Designed to be driven in the snow its RWD "

Not true, most cars in Europe are RWD and they always drive in the snow. We are a bit too spoiled here in the U.S. and therefore stick to our values that FF and AWD cars are only for the snow and this is why people in Europe drive better then many people here in the U.S.
US Spec E46 M3 of course also got the great straight 6 but is rated with 333hp because of the adaption to the lower quality gas.

Not exactly. There are two reasons for the difference.

US hp (SAE) and Euro hp (DIN) are not the same measurement.

343 Euro HP = approx. 338 US HP.

The other 5hp difference in the #s is the result of different emissions/exhaust for the US models.
"The M3 is not Designed to be driven in the snow its RWD "

Not true, most cars in Europe are RWD and they always drive in the snow. We are a bit too spoiled here in the U.S. and therefore stick to our values that FF and AWD cars are only for the snow and this is why people in Europe drive better then many people here in the U.S.

I totally agree that one :smile: !

In nothern europe, called:Skandinavia countries like (Sweden,Norway & Finland) we have winter season snow & ice. Sometimes a lot!
In the central europe, winter is not usully like here in skandinavia. It's cold, but only sometimes they have a lot of snow & ice on the road.

Our winter season is about 3-5 month long, depending where you exactly live.

You could use daily driven rwd car's as easily as awd & fwd car's.

We could also choose different winter tyres, like MpowerKai send or spikes, depending the driver what he choose.
