E- Mail Address options

25 October 2001
Northern California
I am not Internet savvy so be patient with this post ....

I recently heard a discussion on the radio that a few more options were going to be made availbale about March (after the ATT and at home debacle) where individuals can have their own e-mail address like:

[email protected]

not sure what the something was .......

Does anyone know who is hosting this? I am getting a lot of junk e-mail irrespective of how many remove reply I send, and I am thinking of such an option once I opt to change my e-mail address rather than rely on ISPs with their e-mail services or handles.

I also understand you can still subscribe to an ISP/content provider but direct all your e-mails to one address.

Thanks in advance.
The radio thing was probably talking about new top-level domains (in addition to .com, .net, .org, etc.).

There's basically two ways to avoid another @home/attbi debacle:

1) Use a web-based service like hotmail.com or yahoo.com for your e-mail. These are usually free, or for a little extra they give you pop3 access.

2) Set up your own domain. For example, I own the "flaminio.com" domain. My e-mail address is, and always will be, [email protected], no matter who I get connectivity from.

Thanks Bob. Right on target. It was indeed talking about a new .dot domanin.

I like option 2 and have been testing a few domain names .... any recommendations where to get the domain registered, are there differences that I need to know?