
26 February 2007
37°22′17″N 122°8′15″W

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Sknaht !!!
Hey guys don't joke having dyslexia. This is a horrible disability learning.

:wink: I know some wicked smart people that are dyslexic. Dyslexics just have brains that are wired a *little bit differently* than everyone elses.

Not a good trait for English teachers, but kinda helpful for professional investors.
I was diagnosed with dyslexia while in grad school. I had never taken exams with K-type questions and the answers all started to look the same to me,. I could not differentiate what the heck was going on. Growing up I always wrote things backwards and I was even able to read backwards. It seemed normal to me and I was able to cover up my problem in college by taking mostly classes that involved mostly essay exams and term papers. Ultimately when I was tested for a learning disability, it was discovered that I had adapted and formed some very complex methods of correcting the problem on my own. To this day I still write words and sentences backwards. It's pretty funky when it happens as I can watch myself doing it while thinking what I'm supposed to be normally writing. hcum yrev uoy kanhT.
I was diagnosed with dyslexia while in grad school. I had never taken exams with K-type questions and the answers all started to look the same to me,. I could not differentiate what the heck was going on. Growing up I always wrote things backwards and I was even able to read backwards. It seemed normal to me and I was able to cover up my problem in college by taking mostly classes that involved mostly essay exams and term papers. Ultimately when I was tested for a learning disability, it was discovered that I had adapted and formed some very complex methods of correcting the problem on my own. To this day I still write words and sentences backwards. It's pretty funky when it happens as I can watch myself doing it while thinking what I'm supposed to be normally writing. hcum yrev uoy kanhT.

Are you AD/HD? Very typical for ADD folks to also be mildly dyslexic.

Off topic: In Season 3 of Entourage, Vince is wearing the baddest T shirt I have ever seen. It's black and fashioned after an AC/DC band shirt. But is says AD/HD.

I think that's pretty cool.
Dyslexia for cure found!!
The only way I have been successful at dealing with my dyslexia is to think about my one true passion: my racecar. :wink:
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